You wishing about me?

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You watching the clock change. You sat staring blankly for a few minutes.


You weren't exactly sure why you were up, staying up to make a wish at 11:11 has become a little sort of tradition you kept with yourself.

So here you were sat by your window, it being slightly ajar as to cool you down. You're not sure what you're thinking anymore more... But whatever it is, it has taken over your mind completely.


You tore your gaze from the window to purely focous on the clock. You prepared your wish. It was more of a plead now and it was the same every time.


The minutes seemed to be too slow.


You sighed, closing your eyes and parting your lips.

"Please. I know this wish has passed my lips too often to be unnoticed. And echoed around the moon too often that it's a sin. But all I know it that my days are darker, and the nights are longer with out him. And for once maybe this wish, will not be a wish at all but a chance for fate, to take its place."

You exhaled. Letting your chest rise and fall in a calming rhythmic manor.

"You wishing about me?"

The voice startled you, the voice was the sound of a smirk. And now your chest was rising and falling faster than before.

You peered out your window.

"C/n? Is that you??"

"In the flesh which might I add is freezing" he raised his eyebrow and you shrugged. Fully opening your window and letting him climb in. "God why to people do that in films its bloody hard" he took your hand to help him down.


"It's okay, now please tell me why you're in my room. Bearing in mind we've almost never spoke" you shut your window up and sat on your bed, mentioning for him to do the same. You pulled your short PJ shorts self consciously and played with the sleeves of your pale green hoodie.

"Oh but we have, just all up here" he trapped his head and that when you noticed how cute and ruffled his hair looked. "It's just easier to talk to pretty girls like you in mind... That way there to rejection you know." He paused. "And I'm really sorry but your friend told me your address and that your parents were out of town and to be honest I'm not quite sure why I'm here"

You noticed his eyes were slightly red and he has the same strange scent clinging to him. He was not quite himself.

As if reading your mind he rushed to reassure you. "No no no... Well okay I am slightly.. You know. But it changes nothing but my confidence, I still feel the exact same if not stronger. Please y/n I'm sick of imagining me making you smile. Sick of wondering who's there for you when you're breaking inside and wishing it was me. And tired of admiring you and never being able to tell you any of the things which are on mind."

You looked at the clock.


Thank you fate.

You pressed your lips to his, you never were one for words. You preferred to express yourself in acts instead. As your lips danced with his, his hands gripping At your waist tightly, while yours finally ran through his hair. You started thinking, how many wishes you wasted on something you could have achieved so easily by simply using words.

You pulled away from him.

Words, y/n. Words...



You wrapped your arms round his waist tightly, your head against his chest, he held you against him. And was kidding you hair.


"Nice wish, I guess we both got them granted"

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