New Girl

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Kyra Pov

Once The Waiter Comes Over And Takes Our Order ,I Get Up With Aug Following Behind Me, Soon As Tracy See's Me She Smiles and Says "What's Up Boog?" I quickly Reply "Oh Nothing Just Came Over To Say Hello And Who Is This Young Lady Sitting Next to You?" I Say Looking at the girl next to Tracy. Just As Tracy is about To Speak I say "Nah Tracy She Has a Mouth Let Her Talk For Herself" The Young Lady Smiles and says "Hello I'm Hazel And I've Heard Alot Of Good Things About You and August" I Smirk At The Fact That Tracy Told Her About Me Because I Thought Tracy Was Trying To Be Sneaky But I Was Wrong So Then I Immediately Loss My Attitude with Both of Them. I Smile then Reply "Hey It's Nice To Meet You Hazel,This Is My Boyfriend August and I hope We're Not Interrupting Anything" Aug Nods Then Hazel Nods Then Smiles And Replies "Oh No Not At All, Y'all Should Join us" I Look at August And Say "What You Think Babe?" August Smirks at Me With A Hint Of Lust in His Eyes then Looks at Hazel and Replies "We Would But I Got To Get My Baybeh Home, If You Know What I Mean" He Smiles then Puts His Arms Around Me. I Blush While Hazel and Tracy Chuckle Then Hazel Replies "I Understand and Shit I Think It's about Time For Me To Get Tracy Home" We All Chuckle Then Aug Says "Tra Jacquees Know You Here Right?"

Tracy Chuckles And Quickly Replies "Yes He Does And As a Matter A Fact I Met Hazel While I Was With Him, Believe Me Y'all I'm Not Sneaking Around" Aug Takes a Sigh of relief then Replies "I Had To Ask Best Cause I Don't Want No Misunderstanding" Tracy Nods Then Says "It's Coo I Understand and Just Then I Was About To Ask A Question But Tracy Says "Ms.Hazel here isn't Bisexual, She Only Likes Girls" It's Like This Bitch Tracy Was Reading My Mind Then Out Of The Corner Of My Eye I See Our Waiter On The Way To our Table so I say "Daddy Can You Go To The Waiter We Need Boxes For Our Food" Aug Licks His Lips at me then Replies "Igh Baybeh And Best See You Later also it was nice Meeting You Hazel" Tracy Says "K Aug Call Me" Then Hazel Says "Nice Meeting you too August" Aug Nods Then Walks Over to Our Table. Before I can say anything Tracy says "Only Reason I didn't Tell You About Hazel is Because I Wanted to Make Sure it Was Real First, You Know How I Am About Telling Shit Too Fast" I Sigh then reply "You Right Tee and I Completely Understand, So With That Being Said Hazel

I Think We Need A Girls Day. Me,You,Dee Dee And Tracy" Hazel Smiles From ear to ear then Replies "Oh Hell Yea, I'm With It Just Let Me Know When and Where and I'm There" We Chuckle at how excited Hazel Is then I Reply "Coo, I'll Set It up but I Got To Get Back To My Baby, Nice Seeing Y'all" We All Hug And Say Our Goodbyes Then I Turn on my Heels and Walk Over to Aug, who is waiting for me at in the lobby of the restaurant. Once We Get Into The Car Aug Says " I'm Proud of you for not Going Off in there because I know how you get a Tracy" I Quickly Reply "Thanks Daddy" Aug Bites His Bottom Lip And Replies "Since You Was a Good Girl I Got A Treat For You When We Get Home" I Give Him a Sexy Smirk And Reply "Daddy I Want You To Knock All My Walls Down" Aug Quickly Replies "Oh Baybeh Trust Me I Already Planned On it" I Bite My Bottom Lip And Gave Him This Sexy Stare. Aug Notices me then says "Baybeh I Got To Foe That Ass Just Wait On it" I Quickly Reply "I Can't Wait Daddy" I Look him dead in his eyes while I Lick my Lips, Just Then Aug Starts Speeding Down The Street And Before I Know it We're Pulling Up infront of my house.

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