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Thalia's P.O.V.

"Jeremy look, there's a huge white sting ray" I pointed at the sea creature that was swimming towards us in the aquarium, Jeremy squealled and pressed his cheeks at glass. This kid is really cute.

"There's also a shark!" I shouted and he immediately wrapped his arms around me, I didn't know that the shark was swimming towards us, I thought he was going to go to his left and attack some fish. I shouldn't have told Jeremy that a shark is swimming near him.

"Noona! It's coming near me! I'm scared" I laughed silently, how can this child be so cute?! He tucked his head on my chest as his grip tightened, I think he's scared.

"Don't be, we have this glass to protect us" I untangled his tiny hands from my waist and kneeled beside the glass, which is containing a huge amount of water and even thousands of different sea water creatures. I knocked on it and hopefully no one whould arrest me just because of this.

"See? It's strong, the shark wouldn't eat us alive" Jeremy walked towards the glass and knocked on it, he smiled and nods his head. But then he quickly turned around and gave me a confused look.

"Noona! Your voice seems to be getting low" He whispered, I'm going to play with him.

"Am I? Arg!" I asked as I tried to catch him and pretended to be a shark, he avoided my first attack and then he began to ran around the aquarium.

"Noona!!!! Hajima!!!" He squealled as he kept on running, then he run towards the left. I was about to follow him when my body collided with a very big and muscular arms, he held my shoulders to keep me balanced while I stared at his eyes for awhile. He has the same eyes like mine, both different and grasyish brown.

"Oh! Sorry!" I apologized once I recovered from my trance, his eyes seems to be captivating and emotional. What am I thinking, I should find Jeremy, he might get lost.

"It's okay, are you with that child?" He asked but I noticed that his hand was now holding my hand, he's not holding my shoulders anymore and that made my heart beat irractically. What is going on in my veins and brain?

"Uhm, can I leave now? He might get lost around here" I uttered while looking at our intertwined hands.

"Oh, sure. Sorry" He whispered lowly, I pulled my hands awa from him and turned to my left, where Jeremy is not probably hidding because this is already the end of the aquarium museum. I walked around until I spotted a little guy covering his mouth, trying not to laugh. He was hidding behind the small table in the room. Now this is Jeremy.

"There you are!" I shouted as I finally grabbed his waist and tickled him

"Noona!" He squealled as he kept on laughing, I gave him a few minutes of rest before tickling him again.

"Look! There's a baby jelly fish!" I pointed at the aquarium again, and there's a baby jelly fish swimming with it's mother.

"Woah, it's so tiny!" Jeremy looked at me with an amused face.

"Noona, thank you for taking me out of the nursery. I was bored there, it's a good thing you came into my life" I tried hard not to chuckle at his words but it seems like this cute kid will become a very kind but charming player when he enters high school. He knows how to say cheesy words.

"Hmm, you kept on saying cheesy words, tell that to your future girlfriend" I gave him an advice, though I hope he wouldn't be a player somehow.

"If I tell that to her will she like it?" Jeremy asked as he blinked his eyes in confusion, he's too cute to be a kid! I want to have a son like him!

"Every girl wants to hear that" I turned around and saw the exact man who bumped with me earlier, he was carrying a big plushie and a bouquet of roses. He was staring at me with a charming smile plastered on his face, I think he was grinning but the look in his eyes intimidates me.

"Hi" He said, I stood up from the ground and looked at him in confusion.

"Hi" I gave him a sweet smile, why did he come back? I mean I thought he was already done visiting this aquarium since he was already walking out of this room earlier.

"Oh! Stuff toy!" Jeremy squealled in glee as he noticed the plushie this guy was carrying, he has this severe possessiveness around big plushies.

"Jeremy, it's not yours, don't get it" I told him as he almost pulled it away from the man's grasp.

"It's okay, I bought this for him anyways"

"Yehey!! Thank you hyung!" I looked at him in shock, why would he even buy that for Jeremy? I mean he doesn't even know us!

"Welcome" He answered the boy and he gave him a light pat on his head, then he looked at me with a very heart melting smile.

"I bought this for you" He gave me the bouquet politely with a bow.

"Thanks, you don't need to give this to me anyways"

"Actually when I saw those flowers, a picture of you floated in my mind" Okay, now I was caught off guard. Where did that came from? I shooked my head knowing that I'll probably blush infront of this man, as much as I wanted to say he's cheesy, he's just a romantic man.

"By the way, I'm Jasper" He said and he extended his hands infront of me, asking for a hand shake.

"Thalia, Thalia Gong" I answered him while holding his hands, to shook it gently but he didn't let go afterwards.

"Noona, we have to go. Ms. Yoon is already looking for us" Jeremy said, actually he always has this small phone that's commonly used by Ms. Yoon and Jeremy himself, Ms. Yoon doesn't want the phone to be a meter away from Jeremy because she's always checking him if he's in danger.

"Uhmm.... see you around?" Flint asked as he finally let's my hand go.

"Hmm, see you around" I gave him a small smile and Jeremy immediately clasped his hand around my wrist.

"Bye hyung!" Jeremy bid goodbye as he pulled me outside the aquarium, this kid really loves to run.

"Noona! He likes you" Jeremy said before entering my car, I shooked my head and placed the bouquet on the passengers seat, it's not bad to dream right?

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