~The Downfall~

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Thalia's P.O.V.

"Good morning! Rise and Shine princess!" If it would've been my mother than I probably would've shouted at her for interrupting my sleep, sleeping is the most important thing in my life, without it I'll go crazy. But since the voice who woke me up is nice and familiar, I think I'll rethink about shouting at him.

I was still closing my eyes but I noticed that he opened the curtains for me to completely wake up, he also pulled my mattress away from my body and good thing that I'm wearing my pajamas and not the nightgowns mom told me to wear. While sligtly ruffling my hair and waking myself up, I propped myself on my elbows and looked half awake at the man infront of me.

"It's your last day here today and yet you're still very energetic? You're sometimes very unpredictable" Even in the morning he's still so handsome, I don't know where he ever got those features to die for.

"I wouldn't want to appear sad when I'm standing beside or even when I'm infront of you" He sat beside me on my bed and touched my nose in a playful manner, I smiled happily as he also did the same though this last day of him staying here is making me a.bit anxious. I don't ever want to lose him...

"You're not really going go leave me for real right? I would feel really sad if you do" The smile on his face then turns into a frown which then made me feel a bit guilty and sad, he raised his hand and gently caressed my face.

"I wouldn't leave a beautiful and smart girl like you, besides I won't leave you because I'm your boyfriend. Even Mrs. Choi believes that I'm your boyfriend" He proudly said, I can't help but laugh at him. I stood up from the bed and walked ahead of him.

"Let's have breakfast, I'm getting hungry from all your sweet words" I  laughed but before I could even walk out from my room, Jasper held my hand and placed a kiss on the back of my hand. I turned to him in question but a handsome smile had appeared once again.

"Have a date with me"

"I'd gladly do" He held both of my cheeks and gave me a sweet and gentle kiss, I smiled while doing so which caused Jasper to laugh and give me a very warm hug. We need to hurry up if we want to have a date before lunch, actually I think i'd love to visit the park now.


"Are you happy? What are you thinking about?" Hand in hand, Jasper and I walked near the park. There were kids busy running around while other couples are also taking a stroll, I smiled seeing how happy we all are.

"If you're really suitable to be my boyfriend" I uttered refering to his question, though I just want to tease him a bit. A small smirk appeared on his face which means he might be planning something really dangerous or something really really sweet.

"Are you planning to make me yours now? Don't you know how precious my time is and yet I'm wasting it like this with you?" Now he's acting like a clingy and a bad boyfriend, if he'll continue doing this I'm going to pinch his nose and ears.

"If you don't want to be my boyfriend then go, I don't need you to guard me always. I'm a grown up lady and I can gladly ask Flint to stop being friends with you if you'd like"

I unclasped my hand from his and acted like mad, I walked ahead of him while hiding a small smile. But then out of the blue his warm hand slip against mine again and this time, he held my hand really tight as if he doesn't want to ever let go.

"Just because he's your brother doesn't mean you can order him around, you're a bit feisty also and I like it. You're showing me a side I didn't know before"

"I'm happy knowing that I met a guy like you"

Jasper slowly stopped walking and turned to face me, he looked at me with shock and in question as I think this is also the first time I've ever heard myself tell him something I considered sweet.

"What's with that sudden confession? Are you really in love with me?" He scoffed, well I wouldn't be surpised if a question like that will be thrown to me. Jasper surely knows how to wrap me around his fingers.

"If I am, would you really be happy?"

"I'm really slowly starting to lose my mind because of you, you're making me crazy" His sweet words had caught me off guard again but I looked in his eyes and saw nothing but happiness and love, I think I'll be melting here in no time but then a sudden strange object detected my eyes. Jasper was facing me but on his back, I could see a man in the rooftop of a building, maybe a few meeters away from us...

Aiming a gun at Jasper...

"Oh, maybe I'll not let you be my victim... Jasper is more interesting, don't you think?"

My eyes widened when a sudden realization flashed in my mind as I hastily turned Jasper around, him now facing the building where I saw Adam as I protected him from harm...

"Jasper-" A gun shot made me deaf as everything turned black...

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