~Brotherly Figure~

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Thalia's P.O.V.

It's already 12 in the afternoon and Jasper and I had already had our breakfast and lunch, the only thing we have to do now is to check out of the hotel. The both of us are now in the lobby, Jasper was carrying some of my things, but actually he bought some fresh new clothes for me to wear today.

"Jasper?" Jasper and I's attention suddenly turned to the man who walked towards us, he was wearing a suit and it seemed like he was in his early twenties.

"Oh, Flint! I didn't know that you'll be here" Jasper greeted the man with a smile as they hugged each other infront of me, he must be his friend or another heir.

"I didn't know that you'll check in in one my my hotel when I know you have your own" Flint said as Jasper rubbed the back of his head, I just stared at the men as they talked and talked. Though it's cute to see them talking informally when they're infront of the clients and Flint's people.

"Ours is a bit far from the destionation we were yesterday" Flint nod his head as his eyes then turned to me, a receptionist gave him a list while he still urged Jasper to tell him who I am.

"Oh, who is she? Your girlfriend?" He smiled at me very warmly so it took me a couple of seconds to register what he had just said which then I immediately denied.

"Ah, no, I'm just his friend" I uttered as his smile then turned to a smirk. How did he...?

"Really? I never knew a girl and a boy can sleep in one room when they're only friends" He was flipping the pages of the paper he was holding so I assume that it's the list of the clients in everyroom. Though he stopped grinning when he stared at me in the eyes, it seemed like I remind him of someone very important that his mood suddenly changed to a gloomy one.

"Flint" Jasper called him to change his attention from me, Flint looked at Jasper and it seemed like they're having telepathy because they've been staring at each other for a few minutes.

"What's your name?" Flint's attention turned back to be and this time he was a bit happy now, unlike the gloomy expression earlier.

"Thalia Gong sir"

"What a beautiful name, but I have to warn you. Jasper might be a bit playful when it comes to girls, be careful when you're around him" Now he's even joking, there must be something wrong, I guess he also sensed the uneasiness I felt earlier so he suddenly changed his mood. But I don't mind, it's okay, he's Jasper's friend after all.

"Wow, says the boy who's still trying to figure out his feelings for his first love" Jasoer teased him and he just shooked his head.

"Anyways, it's nice meeting you Ms. Thalia, though I'll be more pleasured if you can come to my birthday party tomorrow" I looked ay Jasper in question but he just smiled and nod his head, it's our first time meeting each other and then he's asking me to attend his birthday party tomorrow?

"But I don't have anything to wear sir, besides I'm just a commoner" I uttered, worried that I may just destroy his party tomorrow, for sure all his quests are heirs like Jasper.

"A friend of Jasper isn't a commoner to me, and I can see so much of you as my sister. You remind me of her with your eyes, she always been very special and beautiful" Ah, so that's why. But... Why is he still sad? While we we're still talking his phone suddenly rings and a smile appeared on his face.

"So, I'll go now, Nathalie is calling me" Nathalie must be the first love person Jasper is talking about earlier.

"Good luck lover boy" Jasper teased him.

"No, have fun on your date" With one last smile, Flint then walked away with a smile while answering the call. I wonder what's wrong, I remind him if his sister so why is he gloomy? Did she... die?

"What happened to his sister? Why did his mood suddenly..." I turned to Jasper as I stared at Flint's sad disappearing back as he then entered his car. I wanted to comfort him so badly but I don't know why my mind is telling me this, it seemed like he's someone very important in my life but not.

"His sister was kidnapped when she was still a child, I don't clearly know the exact story but I met him once when we were still kids. I went to the cementery to visit the grave of my grandfather then I saw him crying and kept on calling his sister. We became friends then, not knowing that we were both heirs"

"It must've been hard for him" I uttered, it was a very sad story which is still not finished. I'm certain that he'll find his sister, they're going to be a happy family oncr again.

"Hmm, he also cried when he stared into my eyes. I thought I did something wrong but he explained that his sister's eyes are just like mine which triggered his memories earlier when he also saw you."

"Brown greyish eyes, I wonder how many people have these beautiful eyes like ours. I wanted to meet his sister, somehow I know that she's also beautiful and kindhearted like her brother" Jasper smiled as he leaned forward and kissed me on my forehead, I was a bit taken a back at what he did but knoeing how sneeky this guy is... I'll just let it pass. Though my face might be red now,

"Let's take you to a shop so that you can choose a dress you want to wear tomorrow, Flint will be happy if he sees you there. Then let's get you home" Jasper held my hand as he pulled me outside where a vallet parker took his car from the parking lot and drove it to the main entrance of the hotel.

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