~A Mother's Sorrow~

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Thalia's P.O.V.

I looked at myself in the mirror as I thought I looked stunning, the dress Jasper bought for me is vwry simple but elegant. White is really a pure color.

"Lia?" Jasper knocked on the door, it was already night but dad is strangely still staying out. He could've called me to inform where he'll stay but these days he rarely calls me and just disappears.

"Coming!" With one last look at myself I picked my white purse up to match the beautiful dress I'm wearing. I tied my hair in a milk braid style with some small earings on my ears and wore the necklace I got when I was still a kid. Dad kept it away from me for 4 years but when I accidentally saw it one time, I took it from him and he didn't looked for it anymore.

"Do I look bad?" I asked myself as I saw Jasper strangely unmoving, he was smiling but it seemed like he was frozen or something. I never expect that reaction from him, I thought he'll just tell me if I look good or not.

"You're beautiful" Small pink circles appeared on my cheeks as I'm sure that I began to furiously blush when he complimented me.

"Thank you" I smiled, Jasper opened the car door for me as I waited for him to also enter the car, once he did, I though we were going now but then I saw him still looking at me with the same expression earlier.

"Sorry, I can't stop staring at you" Jasper's ears were a bit red but either way, he booted up the engine and started to drive.

"It's okay, it just made me a bit uncomfortable" Actually, I wasn't even completely comfortable... I'm actually very nervous right now because it's my first time going to a party dressed like this.

"Don't be nervous, I'm sure Flint will be happy to see you there" Jasper held my hand as he assured me that everything will be alright, I don't know if it's me or hiw words really affects me like it's telling me that all his words are true and not lies.

"But I'm worried about him, what if he suddenly breaks down when he sees me?" My thoughts suddenly returned when we met him yesterday, he suddenly cried infront of me which made me a bit nervous. I don't want to ruin his day tonight.

"Flint is strong, if there's anyone who's going to break down infront of the guests, it's his mom. Mrs. Hong is very sensitive, she misses her daughter very much because as mom said, no mother wouldn't feel sad when their child is away from them"

After a few minutes consoling me, Jasper and I arrived at Flint's house and we were welcomed by his Dad who was busy greeting everyone so he didn't notice Jasper and I had already sneeked our way in.

"Happy birthday Hyung" Jasper greeted Flint, who has his back turned to us as he was still talking to some heirs probably. I could recognize some of our classmates here and there, they were all invited and dressed in fancy clothings but other still remained simple as possible.

"Jasper, Thalia, it's good to see you here" He greeted us back with a smile and a warm hug, something I wasn't really used to since I don't have friends that much. But it does not feel uncomfotable at all.

"Happy birthday Mr. Flint" Without knowing how to address him, Mr. Flint was the first thing that appeared in my head.

"Flint would be fine, besides we're not business partners to use formal words like that" Flint chuckled as he gave Jasper and I a glass of wine, Jasper took the glass from him but I refused. I'm not the type of person who attends extravagant parties like this and will do nothing but drink, I want to remain conscious as much as possible.

"Are you enjoying your party?" A middle aged woman suddenly appeared behind Jasper and I as I looked at her in admiration, she must be Flint's mother, Mrs. Hong. She's very beautiful... for sure her daughter is also a beauty like her. Our eyes met for a second but then after a few minutes, she began to break down and I was suddenly in her arms.

"My daughter, you're here" I remained calm as possible as Mrs. Hong cried on my shoulder, I was mentally shaking not knowing what to do in situations like this. I looked around and noticed some of our classmates are looking at us curriously.

"Mom, please let go of her. She's Thalia, a friend of Jasper. I invited her here so she can have a great time" Flint pulled his mom away from me for a few seconds as she keep on explaining everything to Mrs. Hong again and again, Jasper held my shoulders as he tried to soothe me while rubbing his thumb in circular motions.

"I'm sorry Thalia, my mom is really just sensitive in topics like that" Flint uttered as he took the wine glass from his mom's grip and walked towards me.

"It's okay, I understand her pain" Jasper gasped suddenly which made me turn to him in worry, did something happen?

"Lia, your dress is wet" I looked down and saw a maroon like stain on my white dress as Mrs. Hong's eyes flashed with worry as she stared at me.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to pour the wine on your dress" Mrs. Hong apogized as I shooked my head telling her not to worry anymore, it's just a dress.

"It's okay Mrs. Hong, you don't need to worry" So that answers my question about the wine glass Mrs. Hong is holding, the contents must've spilled on me while she hugged me earlier. Japer took some tissue from a waiter and kneeled down infront of me as he attempted to wipe the stain on my dress.

"No, come with me upstairs. I have plently of dresses you can wear" Mrs. Hong pulled Jasper up on his feet as Mrs. Hong held my hand.

"Go with her Thalia, it's okay" I looked at Jasper with a smile, telling him that I'll be alright. I trust Mrs. Hong eventhough it's my first time meeting her, it feels like I've known her for my whole life when in fact I just met her for a few minutes earlier.

I followed Mrs. Hong until we reached a room where it looks like it was abandoned but is still being thoroughly cleaned, like they're waiting for someone to come back and stay in the room again. Mrs. Hong let me sit on a chair infront of a dressing table with a mirror as she picked a dress she wants me to wear, she pulled a beige dress with some laces here and there and let me wear it as I entered the bathroom.

"Is there something wrong Mrs. Hong?" I asked her as I saw her looking at me through the mirror, there were tears in her eyes that I can't help but ask her if she's feeling good.

"You just looked exactly like my daughter" I smiled warmly at her as wiped her tears and stood up from the bed, she opened the closet full of dresses, clothes and even gowns. I guess she really missed her daughter, any mother can't forget any single thing with their child.

"I kept her clothes and bottles hoping that she can come back to us and be a family again, but after all these years, I know she wouldn't come back anymore" I stood up from the chair and walked a bit close to her, I held her hand and told her beautiful things about life.

"You believed that she's still alive, there's still hope that she's also looking for you now. Don't lose hope ma'am because I know that one day, you'll embrace her in your arms once again"

"Can I hug you?" Mrs. Hong asked in which I hapoily complied.

"Sure ma'am" I smiled timidly as I felt Mrs. Hong slowly walking towards me as she wrapped her arms around my waist, to tell you the truth, I've always wanted to hug my mom. To feel her happiness, sorrow and even pain like the way I could fell Mrs. Hong feelings, it's just too bad that my mom already passed away.

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