~On Plan~

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Thalia's P.O.V.

I was humming while preparing some breakfast for dad early in the morning, I just don't know why but I guess I just like humming now. It seems to be a new hobby I inhearited from Jasper as he was humming everytime we go out.

"Happy?" I turned around and saw my father standing on the kitchen while walking towards me, he was still obviously sleepy so I placed a cup of coffee infront of the table he'll be sitting at.

"Dad, good morning" I greeted him with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I never saw that smile and glow coming from you" His tone was amused and for sure he's going to ask me why, I shooked my head and silently placed the food I prepared on the table. I, myself is having a hard time knowing what's happening to me but dad seems calm and even teasing me.

"Don't be shy, I know what's happening to you" Dad chuckled, I instantly stare at him and asked why

"Do you dad? Because I myself clearly have no idea" I may be talented in some aspects but not in problem solving questions like this.

"I remember how your mom's cheeks flushed when I inched near her one day, she was... troubled and flustered because of what I did. Then I took the opportunity and pressed my lips to hers, she frozen not knowing what to do. I, being shy, felt her standing in the middle of her garden but I didn't dare leave heir, I hid behind a columb in her house and looked at her from afar. Her eyes went blank for a moment but then she smiled and squealled, and that was the first time I realized that your mother also loves me back"

After he finished his story, I just stared at him not knowing what to do nor say. I don't even know why he started telling me his and my mom's love story again. After a few seconds of thinking, a sudden questione appeared in my mind.

"Dad, you're not implying that I'm falling for someone right?" I hesitantly asked, Dad on the other hand broke in a wide smile and patted my shoulder.

"Well it looks like you do Lia, not just falling for someone, but falling hard for Jasper" Shocked, I tried to deny. I mean, I'm his friend, why would I even fall fro him?

"Dad, that's not possible. Jasper and I are only friends, how can I like him in a romantic way?" I stood up and laughed at what my father said but he looks and sound as if he really does know what's happening to me and that, I am really falling for Jasper.

"Do you remember how I fell for your mother?"

"Yeah, but, we're not you. Besides not everyone will fall for their friends" I kept on repeating that to myself as I walked around in circles.

"Yes, you're not me but Jasper can also act like me. Second, do you think he only sees you as a friend?" Then I remembered all the flowers he gave me, the sweet words he told me and the care he let me felt. The hugs, the talks, and the days we spent together. Do I really like him? Or am I really just hapoy because he's making me happy?

"It's good to know that everything is going to end on my plan" What plan? Dad suddenly uttered to himself but I didn't dare question him about that.

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