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Thalia's P.O.V.

"JS corporation's princess is now safe from harm. Yesterday, the Hong family finally saw their lost daughter 21 years ago, she was said to be kidnapped by an identified suspect in which will be confidential for now. Mr. Flint Hong would want to privately investigate the case on his own and also with the help from the police."

"Ms. Thalia Gong was like a princess in the story 'Tangled' a lost princess who then got safely back to her family, JS Corporation released a statement and also a ball last night in which they happily presented their now found daughter in the public. Ms. Thalia was said to be kidnapped by Mr. A, an annonymous kidapper who the family would want to investigate by themselves. They said they'll keep their mouth shut in the public but they will fully cooperate with the police"

"Water" A glass of water appeared before me as Jasper extended his hand from the back, I was sitting on the couch as I turned off the tv after seeing all the news reports regarding about me. I think I won't be able to attend school today because of the shame and shyness overwhelming my whole body, I'm just a bit worried of how my classmates will treat me.

"Thanks, the news is making my head spinning" Jasper smiled once I took the glass from his hand walked around to sit beside me, so far, I'm slowly starting to cope up with all the changes I noticed from my past house to my current home. I'm very thankful to have Jasper by my side knowing how much I needed a person to lend me his shoulder or make me feel warm and comfortable.

"Clam down, don't think of anything that'll only give you stress" I chuckled and placed the glass on the table beside the couch, weirdly, I really don't want to leave the house and attend school. I'm feeling more afraid now rather than the first day of school, very very weird.

"Are you really sure that you'd want to go to school today?" Jasper must've noticed how restless I've become so he decided to ask that question, actually I'm already dressed in my school uniform together with Jasper but I'm still really really hesitating to go to school.

"I was when I woke up earlier but when I saw the news it feels like I want to just stay at home and sleep the whole day" Mom informed me that my story will be published the next day right after the ball they prepared for me last night, Flint is at work together with dad and they said that they will do their best to turn the reporter's attention a little bit away from me.

"Don't think about others' reaction on you, just act natural and let them know that you're unaffected by their stares" Once again I was charmed by his healing and hansome smile, he stood up and went to carry both his and my bag while extending a hand infront of me like a prince waiting for his princess.

"You're right, I shouldn't be making a fuss on things like that. I just can't help it" I held his hand after a few minutes of thinking and convicing myself to act strong and be confident of myself.

"Well then, let's go to school if you don't want to miss our first subject" His smile is really very charming, I was once blinded by his handsome face so I can't believe that I'm fooling myself again... well, who wouldn't believe what a man says if he's handsome? After a few minutes of driving, we finally reached the school parking lot in which many student's eyed were focused on me.

"Just act natural, I'll be by your side" Jasper kept on repeating those words as we walked towards our garden and into our corridor.

"Good morning Thalia" One student body greeted with a smile as other looked at me in a very friendly way.

"Good morning" I also greeted back, I just hope that they'll treat me the same way after many days.

"See? Everything's just fine so stop being nervous" Before leaving the house, while driving with the car and as we walked through the corridor, Jasper's hand never left mine as he know that he's my source of comfort and happiness.

"Thank you Jasper"

"Anytime, I'll never leave you" My heart thumped in delight as I once heard his sweet words again, Jasper will never leave me and I'm very glad of that.

"Ms. Thalia?" But I also forgot that we also reached our classroom...

"I'm glad you're back to your home, congratulations" I turned to look at Jasper who just gave me a really big bright smile and a thumbs up, if he's not with me... I wouldn't know what to do anymore.

"Thank you ma'am"

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