~A Sudden Meeting~

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Jasper's P.O.V.

it was already 5 in the evening and yet Thalia is still with her other classmates, I tired telling her that I can come with her because they're going to have a group study and they will also need to finish their project. I felt disappointed because she wasn't in our group, I was partnered up with Kenzo, Dylan and Jungshin. Typical friends so it looked like we are just having a friendly gathering and not a project, atleast Jungshin and Dylan are also helping while Kenzo and I are the one thinking about our project.

I forgot to bring the bouquet I bought earlier for Thalia so I just wanted to give this to her before she reached her house, but I think she's still not done reviewing. So I went to her house and waited patiently for her, whenever I forgot to give the bouquet to Thalia, I always went top her house and waited until she comes home, after giving her the flower, I immediately waved goodbye and went home. Since she's not here again, I decided to just leave the flowers at the gate, where the flower was visible.

"So you're the one who's dropping those flowers everyday" I froze on the spot when I heard a voice and feet infront of me while I was still bowing down because I placed the flower on the ground. For sure it wasn't a ghost because it was still early for them to go and lurk around, and I know that there's a possibility that Thalia knows this person because the gate was already opened. I slowly lifted my head up and saw a young man, probably in his late thirties, his hands were crossed above his chest and looked at me as if he finally caught a culprit.

"G-good morning Sir." I uttered as I then stood properly and decided not to put the flowers down anymore, the man seemed to look very comfortable but proud, as if he was also an heir or an owner of a very great company. Though his voice might look foreign to me, his face seems to be utterly familiar. I don't know when I saw him, but I definitely saw him somewhere.

"Good morning young man, are you here to see my daughter?" I furrowed my brows when he said those words, this is Thalia's house, she told me that they doesn't have any maids nor gardeners, she said she only lives with her father in this huge house... then that means...

"Daughter? You're Thalia's father?" I asked him, really surprised. If you look closely at him, you wouldn't see any similar features between Thalia and this man, so I would really be surprised.

"I sure am, she still have other things to do so she won't be able to go home early, she told me that she needs to work with a friend for them to finish their project" Her dad said as he took a step closer to me and leaned on the gate.

"Yeah, she also told me about that earlier. I just want to drop this by, I wasn't expecting her to see me here though" I uttered as I showed the bouquet on my hand, Thalia's father's eyes looked at the flower and then back at me before he heaved a breath and looked at me as if he finally solved a problem in the missing puzzle piece.

"Are you courting my daughter?" He suddenly asked

"Yeah?!" I asked, a bit surprised. Well my eyes got wide when I heard his words correctly and clearly. I wasn't expecting him to ask that to me though, I mean a guy can give flowers to his friend right?

"Why won't we get to know each other then? Bring those flowers and let's have a heart to heart talk" Thalia's father seemed to notice that I was a bit shocked and utterly confused because of the sudden question he asked, so he looked at me and took a step back, giving way so I could get inside their house. He directed me to their living room, which I had already seen when I visited Thalia's house once.

"So, Thalia told me that you wanted to meet me" Thalia's dad uttered as the both of us took a seat on each chair which is opposite to each other, I would feel a bit intimidated if I suddenly chose to seat beside him right now. I don't even know him that well.

"I was just curious where Thalia got her looks, she's very beautiful and kind-hearted Sir " I uttered, though I was still thinking and examining his features carefully but somehow, no matter how hard I tried imagining Thalia's face, I couldn't really see her face in this man. Probably Thalia got her looks from her mom, but she should atleast have some genes from her dad right?

"No need to be formal Jasper, Thalia told me so many things about you" He stated, i stared at him and gave a sligth bow as respect.

"I hope they're all good"

"They are, I also wanted to thank you because my daughter isn't that really friendly because she's shy. She told me that you were the first one to came up to her and treated her as a friend, and also she told me that she sent a night at your house because I wasn't able to fetch her"

"It was my pleasure helping her out sir, she's a gem to keep"

"So, let's get straight to the point. Are you courting my daughter?"  He asked, I placed the bouquet on the table beside me and looked at Thalia's dad.

"No Sir" I firmly answered.

"A boy friend giving a girl friend a bouquet everyday? Is that a friendly act?" I pursed my lips and just shooked my head, not knowing what to do because this is somehow making me uncomfortable. Not because the question is hard to answer but because Thalia's father's eyes are looking at me as if he's throwing laser beams to me and want me dead, I wasn't afraid to him but he was a bit intimidating me.

"Because in my Point of view, you surely like my daughter"

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