~A Night With Him~

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Thalia's P.O.V.

This is my first day, of coming home from the hospital and everyone is still trying to make me happy, Flint told me that we can go out and visit a place where I want to go. Mom and dad seems delighted since it's still their day off, Jasper stayed at home and was sleeping in our guest room.

"I had a great day, I had a great meal but most of all I had a really really great time with you" Jasper spoke as we went home, it's already 7 in the evening and we had so much fun watching the penguins and the sea elephants that's so big but friendly.

"Aren't you going to go home? Thalia and I would like to sleep now" I turned to Flint oppa who really sounded like a real protective brother, mom just smiled a bit at our interaction and just shooked her head. Dad already went ahead to sleep since he's getting more and more tired these days.

"Can't I just stay a night longer? Besides, I want to spend some more time with Thalia before we part"Jasper spoke, I stared at these two man standing parallel to each other beside me as my head slowly starts to get hurt... are they fighting because of me?....

"Doesn't the zoo we went to earlier proved that you already had so much time with her? I guess you really can't take your eyes off her" I bit back a laughter as I wanted to prove that Jasper really did that but I'm sure it'll only bring down the flaming mood right now.

"Flint let them be, it's just a night and I don't see any bad reason why not. Jasper is a very trustable and kind man, he's also a gentle man so I completely trust him when it comes to Thalia" Mom then answered, I sighed in relief just when I thought they're going to keep fighting. The way they started at each other seems.like they're planning to declare war.

"Okay, before you could even get mad at me of acting like a brother to Thalia I'll be going to head upstairs and sleep. Thalia, goodnight" Flint oppa gave me a warm smile and a hug as he slowly patted my shoulder, I was wearing the arm swing since the doctor told me to just slowly and carefully exercise my muscle and joint.

"He's not mad at me is he?" I whispered to Jasper and my mom once we saw Flint oppa already walking up stairs, he looked so tired probably from driving and also handling our company, he must be under a lot of stress.

"Flint is just really worried for you because as an older brother, he wants to be someone who will be someone special in your memories. Then Jasper, I'm counting on you. Go upstairs and ready yourselves for bed" Mom gave me a chaiste kiss on my forehead and also proceeded up to her room with dad, Jasper amd I followed right after but I just stood still infront of my door and let Jasper enter first...

Is he really going to sleep beside me? Seriously? Why? Thousand and millions of questions appeared in my mind as I'm not sure if I can survive the night sleeping with Jasper, with him, beside me... then I sighed in relief when I saw mom staring at me with a small smile from hwr room, she slowly walked towards me and caressed my face.

"Thalia, I trust you and Jasper so much that I can't help but see the both of you as newly weds. Make this a secret and don't let your father know that I approved of Jasper to stay another night here with you, the both of you can sleep beside each other if you want" I blushed beet red at what mom said, is she trying to make Jasper and I sleep together side by side because she wants us to act like newlyweds? What is mom thinking?!

"Don't be shy, I know Jasper is a great guy, I trust him that he wouldnt do anything to you that will hurt you or make you feel uncomfortable. Good night my children" She gave me a hug and another chaiste kiss on my forehead before she continued going inside her room. I looked at my door and braced myself to enter my own room...

"Let's sleep? I'm feeling a bit drowsy now" I uttered as I immediately rushed towards my bathroom to wash up and hide my red face from Jasper, I don't want him to see me blush in times like this. I don't want him to make fun of me....

Just when I'm finished washing my face, I walked out of the bathroom only to see Jasper watching tv as he sat on my bed, he was alread dressed in his comfortable clothes and ir seems like he was waiting for me to finish washing up. A small smile appeared on his face as I slowly began to laugh, this isn't the atmosphere I'm expecting when I'm this shy... we then slowly lied down on my bed as I placed my head on his chest and smiled gently when I heard his beating heart...

"Do you think I could even sleep when I'm with you? It'll take me 3 hours before I could finally sleep peacefully while you're in my arms" He spoke, I smiled brightly as my eye lids are slowly becoming heavy, I still wanted to talk to him but soft murmurs are what I was ale to produce.

"Does the wound still hurt? It might be healed but sometimes the pain is once revived, I'm worried because of the upcoming dangers we might face" Here comes 'serious time', sometimes I hate talking about things like this when we're all going to sleep. I just want to rest and not to worry about anything else before we sleep.

"I'm not scared, I'm with you and I know that you will protect me until the end"

"What made you so sure? What if I also becomes scared and leave you, what will you do?" Jasper started questioning me as I held his hand, lifted our intertwined hands and stared in his eyes to prove him that everything is going to be fine.

"I held this hand knowing that you wouldn't ever let go and leave me all alone, I gave you my heart because I'm sure that you won't break it and will hold it dearly. I gave you my life because I know that you would also give me yours"

"I love you till death Thalia, I'm willing to do everything just for your sake. I'll hold this hand forever and your keep your heart always"

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