~Going Home~

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Thalia's P.O.V.

"You don't need to send me home Jasper" I spoke up as Jared kept on bugging me that he'll take me home.

"I insist" Here we go again.

"You don't need to really, I'm sure you still have other thing to do" It's not that I hate it when someone kept on pushing me to do something I don't want but I just don't want him to feel responsible when he's with me. He's an heir and i'm sure they're 3 times busier than us.

"Lia you're a girl and it's already night time, you can be harmed or get molested by a drunk guy in the streets. You can't just go home by yourself and you don't even have a car. Why are you so afraid of me sending you off? Is there something wrong?" His eyes softened when he asked me those things, I feel honored that he's worried about me but I just don't like it when they're pressuring me to do this and that.

"I just don't like it whenever someone sees our house, it's not a mansion like you guys have as a home. It's just a small and vintage house, you won't like it" I explained, it's true though. I'm not an heir so he should expect me to be shy when a fellow friend or fellow classmate wants to go to our house.

"How sure are you? I love vintage, anything that's vintage is beautiful and I can say that you're beautiful" I shooked my head as I tried to hide my smile, even at this time he still have the time to compliment me?

"Just go home, I'm fine Jasper" I smacked his chest as he acted  like it really hurt.

"Your boyfriend's right Thalia, it is dangerous at night when you're just going to commute to go home" Dylan and those two boys suddenly appeared before us, I thought they already left the school an hour ago? I didn't know that they also like roaming around the school that much.

"You should feel honored, it's my first time seeing Jasper asking someone to ride in his car" Jungshin said as he sneakily raised his brows in a very tauting way, earning a punch from Kenzo.

"That sounded weird. Thalia, listen to Jasper, we're just worried of you" Kenzo said, I didn't know that they're also that persistent and cute when it comes in persuading someone.

"Well Jasper is much more worried than us, anyways, go with him so his soul can rest in peace knowing that you're safe and sound" Kenzo added when Jasper suddenly threw dagger and laser like eyes at Kenzo.

"Okay, I'll go. But you need to understand and respect my decision if I wanted to go with you or if I wanted to commute" In the end, with the persuading tactics they have, I still gave in to prevent this boys from taunting us in all the ways they know.

"Deal, but you need to be careful"

"I will"

"Then it's settled, we'll go home now and Jasper will take you home. Goodbye!!!!" Jungshin waved as he immediately pulled the two away from us and drove outside of the campus, I think he wanted to go home earlier but then Jasper must've dragged him here to stay.

"Wait here, I'll get my car" I nod my head as I waited for Jasper to come back. After a few minutes, his car stopped in front of me as he helped me to enter his car.

"Where do you live?" He asked once we exited the school grounds.

"Turn left, keep driving straight and then I'll tell you where to turn right and stop" I instructed, silence filled the car as I just kept on staring at the trees and street signs outside, I'm a bit sleepy so I Jasper won't start a conversation I'll probably fell asleep here.

"Can you tell me more about yourself? Your family? Or your Friends?" Thank god, he asked me those questions.

"Hmm, I think you already know eveything about me. I don't have any friends been when I'm in kindergarten up until now, sometimes I have but then they'll going to leave me after a few months because if their families, they wanted to migrate to other countries because they believe that they're going to be rich there"

"If i'm your friend during kindergarten, I would do anything, beg my parents, sneak out everynight and cry infront of the whole school just to stay with a beauty like you" I heaved a sigh as I tried to ignore the butterflies flying on my stomach.

"You're fluttering me too much Jasper" I uutered calmly but I think my heart isn't calm at all.

"A beautiful, fine and talented lady like you should really be flattered by a very handsome young and smart man" I laughed silently as I was forced to nod my head, I'll be honest, he is handsome, smart and young so there's no use in denying it.

"My family, I only have my dad. We're not really close actually but we need to be each other's strength since my mom died when I was born, dad said that mom died because of child birth. At first I thought that he would get mad at me since the live of his life died because of me, but I was wrong. He loved me and treated me like a princess even though we're poor, he was my knight in shining armor and my protector everyday"

"I wanted to meet him, he seems to be a very special person in your life" Jasper suddenly said

"He really is, turn right on the street right there" I instructed, after a few meters, I told him to stop and the car immediately stopped to a white house.

"This is your house? I thought it wasn't a mansion?" He asked, I nod my head and blinked questioningly.

"It's a freaking mansion Lia, it's as big as our house"

"This is our house, now you can leave and go home" I said as I closed the car door.

"Why do you want me to leave so badly?" He asked, a sad smile and emotional eyes pierced my heart.

"Just go home" I said while pushing him towards his car and opened the door for him on the driver's seat.

"Goodnight" He turned around and smiled as he said those words, his eyes are staring right into mine as if he's commanding me to reply the same words.

"Goodnight" Without further ado, I gave him he sweetest smile I could give and stared at his unique, modern and beautiful eyes. He likes to compliment my eyes when he's bored, we have the same eye color but he keeps on insisting that mine is much more beautiful than his.

His smile never faltered as he entered his car with me sending him off with a very happy and contented smile, he was a man who's every girl's dream's are. He's caring, sweet, kind, talented and above all, he's handsome. He's the perfect man. I smiled as I went to our doorstep and opened the door, I was still smiling even when I entered our living room but then I suddenly saw dad crossing his arms on his chest.

"Dad" I uttered as he slowly wen to the window without giving me any expression, he pushed the curtains away as I saw that Jasper still haven't left. There was a light reflecting on dad's face before it finally vanished which means, Jasper finally left. Dad stood straight as he looked at me, crossing his arms again.

"Is that a friend?" He asks as he sat on the couch and keenly eyed me, his stare isn't that intimidating but you'll be awarded that he's serious right now and he wants to have an honest answer.

"Yes dad" I answered as I tried to fix my things, pretending not to be worried that he might misunderstood it, telling me that he might be my boyfriend since it's my first time getting sent by a boy at our house.

"He seems to be a good friend, he even sent you here. I want to meet him" I suddenly stopped fixing my things and slowly turn to face him, you can clearly see me in a state of shock.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked me as I looked flustered for a bit, what a coincidence. He raised his brow as he flipped some random magazines he saw on top of the table.

"You both said the same thing, you wanted to meet each other"

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