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Thalia's P.O.V.

"Are you still not planning to leave our house?" I chuckled a bit hearing my brother's tone and words as he crossed his arms over his chest and glared at Jasper who was sitting beside me on my new bed in my new room. The walls are painted in cream and beige which made me feel calm and at home.

"Flint, I think it's best if Jasper can accompany Thalia for her first week here. Jasper is the only person who knows her well, it'll help her to feel comfortable with us" Mom then suddenly appeared from the door way which made me quite surprised, my brother nods her head with a frown and motioned her to just go down.

"I'll be expecting the both of you to go down for lunch, I don't want my sister to miss any meals when she's with us" And those were the first words Jasper and my brother said to wach other once we reached our house, my parents are very much enthusiastic to see me and have me back once again but I still have to familiarize myself at the new house I'm going to live in.

After a few minutes admiring my new room, Jasper and I decided to head down and finally have lunch with my new but real family. The afternoon was filled with laughter as Jasper keeps on receiving death threats from my brother, I guess their friendship is slowly starting to vanish because of me...

"Are you feeling good?"

"How do think am I supposed to feel when I just realized that the person who I trust was just an impostor?" I was sitting on the couch in the living room now as Jasper also sat beside me and held my hand, that became his habbit these days especially when I'm asleep. It's as if he's making sure that I won't ever leave his side.

"Do you want to go out today? I think you'll feel much better if you'll go out and breathe some fresh air today, I want you to be happy even just for a short while" A chuckled graced upon my lips hearing him proposing an idea that is likely going to be rejected by my brother because of my safety, he's treating me like a 1 year old baby but I don't mind, he's someone who just wants me to be safe like Jasper.

"You want to take me out but you're still in bad terms with Flint?" My parents both went to work after lunch, they insisted in staying with me at home but I told them that I trust Jasper and my brother to take care of me... I just hope their playful and unuseful fights won't interfee.

"Your brother and I may seem to be in bad terns but it's just an act because of you, he wants to be a better brother for you. He's really worried about you eversince he's a child, he wants to protect you and will do everything just for you" Without even knowing why, I leaned my head on Jasper's shoulder and stared blankly ahead at the new appliances and things infront of me. My heart aches for a second remembering how sad and lonely it must've been for my brother to lose a sibling like me...

"Are you sure you want me to be happy or you're just planning to make me feel bad? It's not my fault that I need more time to adjust, everything still feels surreal to me" But I'm glad that I'm slowly starting to feel comfortable around them, I can also call them mom, dad or my brother without even tensing up os stuterring.

"Let's just go out, I'll treat you or if you'd like, let's also bring Flint" And I can't also help but notice how many trials Jasper did just to lift my mood up a bit and make me happy, he's av very cheerful person who holds a very special place in my heart.

"Bring me to what? If you're planning to sneak my sister out I really won't act as a friend to you" Here comes my jealous and overprotective brother, he suddenly appeared behind us which surprised me but nevertheless I was still happy to see him here in the livingroom with us again.

"Don't you want to go out? Besides, I'm sure Thalia would also want your presence there" Jasper spoke as we both twisted our body a bit to the side so we can see my brother standing behind the couch. His eyes looked at me before finally saying his decision..

"Let me change my suit first" Well I forgot to mention that he was still wearing his suit even before I was discharged, I think I heard him having a business meeting in the internet at his room... Well, I don't have any single idea why he suddenly changed his mind from opposing Jasper's request.

"See? He's so happy when it's because of you, don't you think you should atleast be open and be closer to him? After all he's still your brother" I felt special and happy to hear those words coming from Jasper again, he knows how to encourage me throughly.


"Are you okay Thalia?" My eyelids were pretty getting a bit heavy as tiredness and sleepiness domaniated my body, once again I just found myself leaning on Jasper's shoulder again as my brother asked me in worry.

"I'm just a bit sleepy, but it's no big deal." I assured him as I still haven't had a very proper sleep for a few days, I think I might just neep a nap since we're going to reach the destination in just only a few minutes.

"Do you just want to have a rest at home? I can take a u-turn here and go back" And since we're in a car, my brother is starting to feel very much worried again. Jasper and I are sitting on the back part of the car as Flint wa the one who is driving the car we're currently using as of now.

"It's fine, actually I want to go to the zoo. I'm starting to get currious about the ligers there, can you please take me there Flint oppa?" Calling him that, a small but very happy smile appeared on his face as I saw him on the dashboard mirror, it's my first time calling him 'oppa' and I'm sure he likes it.

"Sure, if that's what you want"

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