~The Past~

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Thalia's P.O.V.

One, two, three. I can hear the beeping sounds of the machine, waking me up from my deep slumber. My head and back was hurting and I can feel a warm sensation in my hands, I opened my eyes this time as my throat also feels dry. White ceilings welcomed me as I opened my eyes, it feels like a blinding light shone above me.

"Where am I?" I asked myself but the person holding my hand beside me, I think woke him up. The side of my bed shifted which means the warmth in my hand was a hand from a person who really got worried of me.

"Thalia? Are you okay? Do you feel dizzy?" My eyes looked at my left as my vision suddenly turned blurry to fine, Jasper's worried face caressed mine as he slowly gave me a glass of water and inclined the bed slowly to lift my upper body up. I was still clueless on what happened but my memories were a bit blurry, all I can remember is that Jasper's parents revealed that I was his cousin.

"What happened? Where's my dad?" Once my throat was hydrated and my voice came back, I asked Jasper for my father since I was still clueless of what happened. My head feels heavy and hurt but all my arms and legs are also aching.

"How dare you call that filty man 'dad' when all he ever did is to treat you like a slave?! He shouldn't just be prisoned but sentenced to death" My eyes then moeved to the side as I saw Flint, Jasper's friend and his parents sitting on the couch. Jasper looked baffled but he sat beside me and held my hand tightly, spreading more warmth in my hand.

"He's imprisoned? Why? He didn't do anything wrong" I questioned them as I tried to remember everything, my head is spinning but Jasper's comforting hand made me feel safe.

"He beated you-"

"But that's not a reason why he should be sentenced to death" Jasper's firm voice made me remember everything last night, dad got mad he beated me because of an unknown reason, he said I should've been careful and should've not brought Jasper's parents here. I don't know why he's so mad at me last night but I know something is definitely wrong with him.

"Kidnapping my little sister is a crime!" My eyes widened at Flint's words, he was too mad for everyone to handle, his words seemed firm and believable but I know my dad wouldn't do that.

"What do you mean? Dad can never do that" He might have beaten me but that doesn't mean he's a bad person, he raised me as a good daughter, taught me good things so him doing anything bad is highly unbelievable.

"And he even brain washed you that he's your father after he kidnapped you? That sick bastard-" Flint's eyes were glaring at me as if he's pircing my soul, I held Jasper's heand for comfort as he welcomed me in his embrace. I shouldn't do this, Jasper is my cousin and I shouldn't feel romatic feelings towards him. I should stop this before everything gets worse.

"Flint, stop the attitude right now!" I flinced in shock as I heard Mr. Hong's firm and strong voice, I leaned more closer to Jasper as I suddenly felt scared and unprotected infront of everyone. Jasper is the only one who I trust and I hope everything will just be fine, I just want to rest and be safe.

"Thalia dear, are you alright?" Mrs. Hong slowly stood up from the couch and sat infront of me where a chair was placed, her eyes were all puffy from crying and she's still sniffing. I wanted to answer her question nut I believe my question is more urgent to have an answer.

"What do you mean by brain washed? Kidnap? Your sister? What is my involevement in that case?"

"You're my sister Thalia" Then my head suddenly left light weighted as my head refused to comprehend anything, my body left limb as my mouth decided to shut completely. This isn't happening. No, I can't believe this.

"You're my sister who suddenly disappeared at night when you were just a new born. Jasper's uncle was thirsty for power, he threatened to kill everyone in Jasper's family if his father wouldn't hand the company over to him. He even threatened to kill Jasper who was still a kid that time."

"Jasper's uncle was an addict and also had a psychiatric disorder eversince he was young, his insecurities grew more when Jasper's father had the company. He tried killing Jasper when he was sleeping but I immediately called the police to arrest him, afterwards he was transfered to the psychiatric ward but he escaped. Since then my child had been missing and he was the primary suspect both by the police and us"

"You're not Jasper's cousin Thalia, you're my sister" I stared at Flint's eyes as I saw nothing but sincerity in them, Jasper on the other hand kept on holding my hand and it seems like he's comforting me, soothing me that I shouldn't feel surprised nor scared.

"I need some time, my mind can't fully grasp the fact that... I lived a life I shouldn't be" My thoughts were all a mess, I felt betrayed and lonely. There were many questions running in my mind, questions left unaswered and thoughts that felt wrong.

"Of course, we'll give you time... my daughter" I felt warmth and comfort in my heart as I heard... my mom, Mrs. Hong said those words. I feel happy and seemed as if I was in the right place. Like I was in the right family, my real family

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