~A Visit In Her Past~

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Thalia's P.O.V.

"Going out?" Dad asked as I went to the fridge and grabbed a pitcher, I poured some water on my glass and drank it thorougly. I'm too thirsty and tired to go out today but since it's Jasper who wanted to have afun with me, I'll give it a try.

"Hmm, Jasper said he'll take me somewhere today" Dad walked towards the cloumb in the kitchen and rested his back there, he also positioned his arms crossed on his chest and looked at me in a teasing way.

"Prince charming is charming his way to your heart, but be careful on your date"

"Dad, it's not a date" I uttered, clearly still stuck with dad's absurdness hint that everything Jasper's doing to me is because he likes me.

"Well, one girl and one boy going out? Pretty much sounds like a date to me" Dad made it look weird when he raised both his hands and lifted his pointer finger in both hands then placed it together while explaining his opinion.

"Dad" I whinned, probably uncomfortable because of the constant teasing done by my father almost everyday, sometimes I actually doubt him if he's really my father or my hopeless romantic friend.

"Prince charming is already waiting, you don't want him to get impatient do you?" There was a honk heard on our garden which means Jasper already arrived here, I picked up my coat on the seat abd placed it on my arm since I won't be wearing that for a while.

"Bye dad, I left some food in the fridge for you. Just heat it up if you're hungry" I uttered as I turned around and fixed my dad's collar, he just woke up but he already looks like he's going out.

"Don't mind me, just be happy on your date today" I smiled and fixed my hair before looking back at dad again.

"Bye dad" I gave my dad one last hug before opening the door and walking out of the house, only to be greeted by a very familiar face outside.

"Hello beautiful" Jasper uttered once he saw me, I'm sure my face turns beat red when he said that. Maybe because of embarassment because dad is standing beside me but I an also flusterd because of the way he adresses me.

"What a nice name to call my daughter" Dad appeared beside me but Jasper didn't even looked surprised nor embarassed, as if he's really planning to compliment me with Dad beside me.

"Mr. Gong, it's nice to meet you again" He politely bowed as my eyes travelled to the flowers behind him, dad must've also noticed it too so I just stared at the both of them as they continue to talk.

"Likewise. Flowers for my girl?" Jasper broke in wide grin as he gave me the flowers he bought, his friend, Kenzo (Minhyuk) knows how to design bouquet so these flowers must've been arranged by his friend.

"Yes sir, I knew she liked flowers so I bought these for her"

"So, Lia, I'll just go out for a walk be careful on your way to your date" Dad, surely feeling awkward already excused himself from us as he started to walk towards our gate but Jasper quickly stopped him from walking further as he stood infront of him.

"Ah sir, can I ask a question?" Dad nodded his head as he looked at me before staring back at Jasper.

"Can I take your daughter today and return her tomorrow?" My eyes widened at his question and I also know that dad was also taken a back because of that, why would he even need me to be with him 24 hours today? He's starting to act weird

"I won't do anything to her sir, I just want to make her happy for a day and take care of her by myself" Jasper quickly added to avoid the dark thoughts my father is thinking, I was worried is he's suddenky going to get mad at him just because he asked that but I know Dad would understand.

"Well, I will be staying at a friends house later. Then I guess she's safer with you" Dad looked at me before nodding his head, though it's really strange, why does he always goes out whenever I go out too? Is it just a coincidence or is he really planning something against me or Jasper?

"Thank you sir" I stared at my father and erased the bad thoughts in my mind, no no no no, my father wouldn't do that. He's a very honest and kind man so for sure my imagination just ran so wild today. He won't do that. I stared at his back as he walks away from view but there's something clearly bothering me, but then Jasper stood beside me so I just shrugged it off.

"Where do you plan to take me that you even have to ask my father if you could spend time with me tonight and return me tomorrow?" His cheeky grin appeared as he then escourted me to the car.

"It should be a secret so I'll just give you a hint" He whispered on my ear as he stood between the car and the car door on the passenger's eat, I looked at him in question, waiting for the hint I'll receive.

"This place is important to you, something very memorable"


"Wah, why are we here?" I almost laughed when I saw my former school when I was in middle school, it was an all girls school and it's a bit private but not just like the current school I'm studying on now.

"Didn't I told you that you'll have fun today? Well, for sure, this place is very memorable and important to you" Jasper unbuckled his belt as he also did the same to me, I stood outside the car and looked at my former school in awe.

"But boys aren't allowed to get inside" I laughed suddenly remembering that girls are only allowed inside our school.

"Don't worry, I already had a talk with the principal. I told them that a very important former student will come here and visit her past" Why does it sound overly dramatic?

"So where do you want to go first?" I asked planning to tour him on a all girl's school, for sure it's his first time going here if not then maybe he had some girlfriends here. And no, I'm not jealous.

"The garden?" I led Jasper to the garden and sat on the exact bench I was sitting on everyday, when I came too early in school, when I'm having lunch, when I'm bored, I'm always sitting on the same bench.

"This garden sure is huge, do you usually stay there?" Jasper sat infront of me as we stared at the wide grassy garden I've missed.

"Hmm, when I don't have anything to do" A smile broke on his face as he saw me smiling as I looked at the garden, I missed this school but I can say that I found my happiness in my new school.

"Let's go to the cafeteria" I decided to stay for a few minjtes more before heading out to the place full of delicious foods.

"That is my favorite place in school" I chuckled, boys are boys. And no one can change that.

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