~Flower Banquet~

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Thalia's P.O.V.

Jasper's going to take me somewhere here in Osaka again, actually I don't know where we are but as long as I'm with Jasper I know I'll be fine. We were both on the car where I think he'll take me somewhere really fun but my head is hurting a bit...

"Are you anxious?" Jasper held my hand as his other hand is busy driving, I looked at him and nod my head a bit.

"Do you think our parents already safely reached Seoul? They could already be home by now right?" I asked, our parents just stayed at Tokyo just for a day, they said our business is more important and Flint hyung was just alone in Seoul so he needs their help.

"Stop being anxious, I just received a message from their pilot stating that the plane had just arrived at the airport" Oh and by the way, their pilot is the father of Minhyuk, Jasper's friend so they have contacts with each other. And it so happened that he's the pilot our parents have.

"I couldn't help but worry, why do they even need to comeback to Seoul this early when they can go back with us tomorrow?" I whinned, after all the plane ticket is still expensive so they should make use of their time here.

"They have works to do Thalia, even Flint hyung is needed at his office, atleast they still managed to have fun even just for a day"

"Why don't we just enjoy our stay here first? After all we're going to go home tomorrow" Jasper added... I turned to him and gave him a slight glare.

"Shouldn't it be you who's going to take me to places here in Japan since you know how to understand Japanese? Let's just go, maybe the place we'll go to will probably lift my mood" I spoke, still I want to be with my mom and dad....

"It can really will and I promise that you'll have so much fun there"


I slept maybe for an hour as I was really tired earlier, Jasper woke me up again early in the morning earlier so I'm super tired again. I woke up when I felt like the car already stopped moving, so I turned to look at my surroundings and saw many people walking around outside..  now what's in store for me today?

"Where are we?" I asked Jasper who was just staring at me happily, he planted a soft kiss on my forehead and then took his seat belt off including mine.

"It's a secret" He spoke and then went out of the car, he opened the door for me and accompanied me inside the park?.. what? Wait a second...

"Oh, aren't those flowers? And those are cherry blossoms aren't they?" I spoke as I pointed at the trees in a park like theme inside the park, it looked like the temple we visited yesterday?..

"This looks like Everland right? Somewhere where we can find as many flowers as we can? Well luckily we came here while it's still spring, I really wanted to take you here" Jasper spoke... I turned to him in surprise and went to look at the beautiful flowers here.

"Wow, they're all beautiful. I want to take them home" I exclaimed...

"Stand still there, I want to take a picture with the flowers" Jasper spoke as he then positioned me before the flowers as he then took a picture of me. Once he's done I walked beside him and looked at the photo he captured...

"Who's the flower?"

"Stop doing that, you're making me laugh" I exclaimed...

"I'm going to paste this in our photo album, I'll try to find where the flower really is"

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