~Brother And Lover~

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Jasper's P.O.V.

After the big reveal earlier, I noticed and understand how surprised Lia is, I decided to let her have her own time to realize everything and to wake up from reality. I know she needs to have her own time and I'm going to give her that freedom, that's the only thing I can give her as of now.

"I swear I'm going to kill him" Flint spoke as he walked around in circles on the lobby outside Thalia's ward, I understand his part that he wants to kill my uncle and you won't believe me that once in my life, I also planned to kill him because of Thalia. I can't bear to see her looking so restless and crying because of my own uncle, I hate him so much.

"You do that and Thalia won't see you as her brother, that wouldn't help anything especially Thaila. It's hard for her to understand everything because she'd spent almost all her life knowing that her mother died and she was dearly loved by her 'father'" I uttered as I closed Thalia's ward and sat beside Flint, my best friend and also my girlfriend to be's brother.

I can't believe fate entagled our lives like this, I was very clueless on how the 3 of us can be connected but now that things started getting messed up I began to feel restless. I began to blame myself knowing that one of my family members became crazy and managed to destroy one family and also destroy the child's life, he destroyed Thalia.

"That won't help Thalia but that would help me to avenge my sister"  He has the right to feel like that and I wouldn't judge him too much, his sister was taken away from his family when she was just an infant, I know how hard it is for him to accept things just like Thalia.

"That's no use either, she's already back here with you. Killing my uncle with your bare hands will just make everything worse, besides he can only be sentenced by death by the police and not by the victim's family members" I stood up from the seat and stood infront of a vending machine beside us, I ordered 2 cans of beer and gave one to Flint.

"Here" Flint looked at me as if I've gone crazy when I gave him the can, he doesn't want to get drunk or celebrate now that my uncle was still at lose. He can still do everything he wants especially when he can easily outsmart the police.

"It's better to just get drunk than to kill someone who's still important in your sister's mind, Thalia is a girl who can't easily trust someone. Believe me I've been through that, she needs reassurance to feel like she's really home" I placed the can on both of his hands and drank my own can, I feel really restless and strange now knowing that Thalia finally learned the truth behind her true identity, the only thing I'm worried about is how her mind or how she can manage to understand and accept everything after that.

"You like her don't you?" I smiled and looked at the ground, Flint realized it because of how much I care for her but... everything... now... everything has changed, Flint is no longer my bestfriend but he's already and also the brother of the girl I like.

"Even I, myself feels this is awkward. You being my older best friend and liking his sister is making me insane, I feel like I should just run away and never return because of the protective ways you have over Lia"

I voiced out my opinions and also the way I feel, talking to him like this made me really uncomfortable. Maybe because we're not talking about things like this when he meet, it's all about catching up and also business.

"Well consider yourself lucky because you're still alive by now, I would've killed you when you courted her the first time she saw you" I wasn't surprised by that joking like remark, he's been talking like that when he's with me but this time he's just acting a bit more protective.

"I heard you were really devastated upon hearing and witnessing the fake news" He added which made me think a bit, the only thing I was clearly devastated about is Thalia being 'my presummably cousin'.

"What news? That Thalia is my cousin?" Flint hyung nods his head and also drank the can of beer I gave him and threw it on the trash bin beside the vending machine, he didn't even stand up but just literally threw it.

"You were pretty brave not choosing to just go and walk away from Thalia's life" His remark made me smile.

"Why would I walk away from the girl who becomes my life?" Thalia may just be a simple girl but my life has already revolved around her, I'll do anything and everything just to protect her and keep her safe from anyone.

"Jasper, you may be my friend but when it comes to my sister, friendship can change" I understand Flint hyung's part, having a pretty sister like Thalia, I know it's hard for him to act like a brother to a person who he just met for a short time. They need a lot of catching up to do.

"I love Lia more than you could ever know, I won't leave her side and fight for her until I die" Flint hyung smiled but also pushed the back of my head, he only does this when he thinks that I'm being too romantic or corny. He's not that kind of guy who'll suddenly say romantic things like me, so in terms of agreeing on the same thing, i think we'll have a bit of conflict.

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