Ch.36 Hunger Mix

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3rd POV

Dean stared horrified as Nina's body plummeted towards the floor unconscious, he pulled himself grunting and cursing under his breath. The feeling of being ripped from the inside out gone, but the exhaustion was coming in tidal waves.

"What the hell" Dean muttered kneeling besides Nina's body placing an arm under her head and another on her stomach, Dean could feel the soft abs under his palm, but that didn't matter right now.

He check her pulse, it was slow, but there it was, her eyelids close, her pale face stare back at Dean. He gulped, she was going to be okay, he knew that, she had passed out before and she woke up perfectly fine afterwards.

"Nina, come on wake up" no response,  he tried again shaking her slightly from side to side, "Nina dammit get up!" Dean growled, her head rolling from side to side, he sighed.

Dean glanced over to her close fist, bloody fist, and the knife a foot away. He opened her palm, his lips parted a short gasp of disgust escaping his lips.

He glanced to her face then back to her hand before grunting and grabbing the ring from one of the three ripped of fingers she held. Throwing the fingers away from them.

"Good, let's get going." Dean muttered to himself wrapping his arms around her slim body and heading towards the impala still parked outside.


Dean had called Bobby and Sam, letting them know what had happened, explained every single detail. The three of them stood in the study three days after Nina had passed out, she still hasn't woke up.

"But I'm telling you Bobby, she gave me this weird look and went straight to him without flinching nor whining like she had been three seconds ago."

" I don't know man, it scared the crap out of me." Dean added with a shake of his head gulping on his beer, Sam stared at the floor deep in thought.

 Bobby let out a shaky breath glancing at the two boys in front of him, he knew they didn't lie. And he was sure that Nina had been hiding something, but of course knowing her, it will be hell to get it out of her.

"You think there's a possibility that maybe Balthazar..." Sam trailed off looking for the right word.

"Possess her? Boy that makes zero sense." Bobby butted in with an exasperated breath as he re-filled his scotch glass, what was wrong with wrong with her? she was like a daughter to him, and so far he felt like he was failing to protect her.

"Then how you explain that back there Bobby?" Dean questioned accusingly with raised eyebrows and a steady glance at the old man, who return an even stare.

Bobby opened his mouth putting down the glass of scotch forcefully on his study desk with a daring glare, he opened his mouth, but the younger Winchester brother interrupted.

"Okay, calm down, I'm sure when she wakes up she'll explain, but now we got two rings. Bobby and I got a trail on hunger, we should get this done Dean." Sam commented giving Dean his puppy dog eyes.

Dean nodded, they had informed him about that in the previous call, but he just couldn't up and go knowing that Nina was unconscious with the last image of her in his mind, if they had just seen that look, the way her body moved so weirdly.

"Sure, let's pack up." Dean order heading upstairs to pack, instead he took a doubtful glance towards her room, with a roll of his eyes and a shaky sigh he headed towards her room first.

Sam watched as his older brother head upstairs turning to Bobby with his famous puppy dogs eyes. He didn't want to leave Nina here unconscious, and what Dean had said was bugging him nonstop but they had to stop this, he had to stop this.

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