Ch.4 Working with Dean..not as cool as you think

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4Once I check in and qot a room, I got my bags and stuff from my car and headed to room number 24 thanks God not so near Dean Winchester. I open the door closing it behind me throwing my bags on one bed and laying on my back on the other one.

 I took in a deep breath and exhaled it rolling my eyes at just the taught of been working with that jackass. At least Sam wasn’t that bad well maybe a little just too sweet for my taste but neither did all that stuff matter. I got up grab my laptop and started doing research 15 minutes later I gave up I really wasn’t good for this.

"Look who couldn’t live 5 minutes without me “cheered Dean once I entered his and Sam's room."Sure, keep dreaming bitch" I said smirking and flattering my eyelashes flirtingly and then putting on a blank face looking towards Sam.

 "Check in and had lunch already?"he asked raising an eyebrow "Crap I knew I forgotten something" I muttered his amused face turn to one of lightly confused, I smirked and went to the small fridge grabbing a beer against Dean's permission and took a long nice refrescant sip.

 "Ha now that’s better" I mumbled to myself "Wow something definitely must gotten into her" scoffed Dean staring at me, Sam gave me an analyzing look "Like I said you still don’t know me" I said heading towards Sam sitting beside him studying the info that was up on the laptop.

"There’s been another one?" I asked reading the news of a 27yearoldman spread on plain intersection road with dark blue wings spread around him on Manhattan New York. Sam nodded as I sighed scratching the back of my neck slowly tilting my head from side to side.

“They said they can’t explain they believe is a suicide he dropped." explained Sam. I stare at the window screen "This is out of the league what the fuck does this all means/?" scowled Dean charging his gun and cleaning it up.

"I don’t know...they are."Sam was cutoff by Dean "angels? Seriously Sam angels??" he scowled standing up with gun in hand pacing side to side on the small room, doing a childish tantrum.

 "I said there’s no such thing not until we catch one alive and actually find out if it does exists.....I say this is a demon trap a big plan."Dean scowl softened replaced by a deep frown."I don’t know Dean I mean they can’t explain the ....wings thing it ain’t painted nor anything" argued Sam.

Dean scowl was back as he laughed without humor "Demons Sammy they can do anything to get us confused into something so they can sneak up in our backs and bring us down!  I wont let them we, wont let them!" hissed Dean almost yelling wit a deep meaningful frown, Sam gulped harshly and taught about it, then nodded hastily.

I sighed out loud and shook my head slowly "What?" spat Dean at me, I smirk leaning back on the chair "Why would you care? You don’t believe in such things as angels do you?" I said softly smiling in a sec putting my face blank hard cold as stone again.

“Why would I have to? And why does it matters to you?" he hissed back more angrily standing infront of me I arched my eyebrows and slowly stood up closing the distance between us.

 Seconds before I could open my mouth Sam interrupted us "Dean stopped it both of you guys please, we got more important issues here than you two don’t getting along” Sam reasoned collocating himself between us which actually worked pretty fine because of his height and body making it impossible for Dean and me to rip each others throat at that moment.

"Here lets go here” said Sam giving each of us papers with two near suicides of our wanted topic I studied mine "15 minutes from here "said Dean analyzing his "Why do you give me this now?" I asked frowning at Sam "Dean and I checked it already now I want you to go with him try to see if you can work together and actually for you to see if you can find anything we didn’t.” explained Sam.

 Dean laughed coldly, I chuckled humorlessly "Now that’s a funny joke Sammy” spitted Dean in between false laughs. I stare at Sam and when I realized he was serious, I glared at Dean then shook my head "No way in hell" I answered shrugging my shoulders casually.

 "Yep first thing I agree with you" said Dean smirking "Please we are all going the three of us lets go" Sam said heading toward the door leaving space to give me pass, after what felt 3 minutes of glaring at each other Dean and I followed, me of course first than him.

 "I wish I had ripped your tongue out the first time you open that mouth of yours" I spitted to his ear while passing by him "What a shame you wont make it" Dean squealed teasingly,  I chuckled getting on my car besides his with Sam between us.

 "Oh who said I wouldn’t?"I said smirking seductively and hopping to my car driving off to Sam's given directions to check on this oh-so-called fallen angels.

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