A fan fiction to Supernatural

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What if one day all of a sudden you taught about your childhood and recognized that the memories are all nonsense and vague?

Well this is my story as you guess, I’m a hunter, no not a bambi hunter a supernatural hunter. Yes creepy nasty scary things do exist in my world, or almost all.

What if one day you become close to the truth and don’t want to know it all? But you are too close already to turn back?

A soul, a soul is what makes you care, love, feel, etc. Without a soul you are nothing just a walking wreck body, you wouldn’t care about absolutely anything, fun right? Not, not at all, sometimes almost all cases it can be deathly to not have a soul.

And what if you discover that your soul is not your own? That instead of a normal day soul, you had been given an old lost tortured soul? One that may or may not have been a reason to the start of the Apocalypse?

And one thing we must not forget, love; the dream of many the fear of many others. Well I been told that love is the key to everything, and I had discover it is true, but love was not the key to happiness in my case, oh no instead it was the key to my own living hell.

So, let’s all just live in hell, shall we?

Ch. 1

Run Nina Run! I forced myself to not turn around. I had to get that son of a bitch more close, I stopped abruptly resulting in being grabbed and tossed over to the wall of the alleyway followed by a cold laugh.

“Oh why you running away for Nina? I just wanna have fun” the demon possessing a young woman squealed in fake enthusiasm. I grunted feeling the pain on my face burn.

“Oh you are gonna get some fun aye” I smirked standing up, gripping tightly to the knife on my hand pacing in coordinates circles with the black-eyed bitch.

“if you say so” she growled after laughing coldly.

My smirk grew wider and she launch at me, I side stepped her but as the demon she was,  she quickly pulled me down with her own knife cutting vertically down my upperarm, I bit my lip and glared at her pushing her off  of me with my feet.

I stood up ignoring the shot of pain shooting up my arm. I swing at her and she pulled me down by my hair, bad move whore, I taught kicking her with my elbow quickly turning before she straighten up and plugging my knife into her chest.

She gasped loudly, a bright light shone from her eyes and mouth, it faded away as her body felt to the floor lifeless. I sighed putting my knife on my boot, gripping hard to my upper arm and heading to my car back to the motel.

I look over at the clock and sighed, it was still 3 am but I still haven’t closed my eyes once. I stood up stretch and headed for the bathroom where I unlocked the door and stared at my reflection on the dusky hotel room mirror.

 *Gaagh!* I complained to myself, my face looked like crap, thank God that bitch was back in hell. A purple eye, a cut on my left cheek about 3 inches and a huge bruise on my bottom lip. Okay so that bitch hit me well.. I turn on the cap and splash water to my face brushing away the dried blood from my hands and face.

I brush my teeth got undressed and had a hot quick shower. Wrapping myself in a towel and heading out I sat on the bed studying my stitches on my left arm (At least you holding on there).

 I got dressed in my usual faded color black skinny jeans a dark gray tank top and my black leather jacket. I placed my hand-knife on my right boot and my gun on my lower back with the lock on. And then I drove off to South Dakota where a friend of mine called Bobby Singer needed my help.

It was a long 4-hours drive till I finally reach Bobby's house. I parked my black bmw on the big driveway, and sat there for about a minute studying my surroundings, nothing had changed much it was like a house in the middle of a forgotten dealer, bunch of crappy cars piles up in lines, but some with good pieces.

Taking a big breath I drag myself to knock the door I knew he was here I saw his truck in all the bunch back there and I was right after 3 min.

The door opened up revealing Bobby an old friend of mine, well actually the one who saved me when some demon tried to get me by killing my parents in the process. Bobby saved me with him being a professional supernatural hunter, from there on I became like him and that was 10 years ago, when I was just 11 years old.

''Hi Bobby'' I said shifting on my feet awkwardly on his front porch.

''Nina your her... hey are you okay??'' he asked studying my cuts and the stitches on my arm.

“I’m fine don’t worry just a little hunt yesterday.'' I said with a friendly smile.

"Alright, come in" he said returning the smile.

I walked in and headed to his study stack of books. He lived alone for what I know no friends no family well expect his wife who was killed by a supernatural long time ago but thats about what he had told me.

 "So whats the problem?"I asked leaning against the wall infront of his study desk where he had taken a seat.

 "Well I got two boys on Fort Dodge Iowa doing a job but the thing is I think they got nothing just like me so I wanted to asked you to check on them or help here" he explained well my bad then, he wasn’t that lonely.

"Sure I can get there in no time or do the one here if you prefer so'' I answered smirking he raised an eyebrow.

 "Well seeing as you turn up here in no time from so far and that arm of yours disabled I think I prefer you to check on them and help us from there on" he said pointing to my stitches.

 "I’m fine like I said before but ...what is it you hunting here and what is the job ovethere?" I ask with curiosity "fallen angels everywhere, and a ghost in here.” he said in a matter-of-fact tone, I laugh and then cover it up with a cough when he didn’t smile but glared at me seriously

 "What you mean fallen angels? Like real angels angels?"I asked with disbelief in my voice, "Yeah at least that’s what it seems they are" he explained "who they?" I ask confused.

 "The death fallen ones" he said giving me some research files of pictures, I studied each one of them they were all dead bodies spread on the floor with huges wings draw on their sides. Well it look like angels, but fallen death angels? This was really weird.

 "Well they do look like fallen angels like you said but ..why would there be angels dropping on Earth? Aren’t they supposed to be friendly calming funny and bring peace and love to us???"I ask a little sarcastic.

 "Yeah well that’s what we got nothing yet” he said looking the papers I gave back to him. "Well I better get going” I said heading to the front door "I'll let them know your coming, here is Dean number” Bobby said giving me a small ripped piece of paper. “Okay take care then" I said opening the door.

 "Hey" bobby said making me turn around I raised an eyebrow questioning "thank you" he said with a honest smile I return it and nodded "welcome" I said before turning around hopping into my car and driving off to Fort Dodge Iowa.

***************************************************************************************************8okay so here's the cast list since I tried a millionths of times and it doesnt wants to work.

Minka Kelly- as Nina

Jensen Ackles- as Dean Winchester

Jared Padalecki- as Sam Winchester

Jim Beaver- as Bobby Singer

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