ch.7 forgivennn??

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Sam looked at me gagging with puppy eyes while Dean still glared at me. "Nina .." said Bobby confused I look at him and raised my eyebrows "What??,,,he freaked me out" I hissed back, he shook his head slightly. I look at Cass who just stare at me with en unreadable expression.

"Okay let’s calm down" Dean suggested, Sam agreed "yeah Nina I think you should put your gun down" Sam told me gazing me with his famous puppy eyes which sadly didn’t seemed to work on me.

"I would as soon as this freak get away from me" I scowl at Cass who just kept stepping forward studying me "Stop" I growl at him aiming at his head this time maybe his brain won’t be able to heal or at least I hoped so.

"I won’t harm you I just want to protect you. To hide you" Cass explained I frowned "Protect me how? And from what? I don’t need a freak guardian angel thanks." I hissed at him "Trust me, he is right" Deans said honesty in his eyes I stopped myself trusting people long ago.

"A pattern, is a shield" Cass replied he came forward to me "I said stop or I'll split your brain out" I warned he stopped and looked at Dean "What shield is he talking about Dean?" Sam asked "Is just a shield trust me on this one.. Hey Cass why don’t you take Sammy first and Bobby?" Dean said smirking slightly with a mischievous glint on his eyes.

Cass headed towards Sam who looked him up and down looking for dangers or warnings. I stood still just as Bobby Cass entered his hand on Sam's ribs a white bright light around it and Sam screamed lowly in pain "What.." I started but stopped when Cass pull his hand out with Sam gasping.

Then he headed to Bobby who shook his head fiercely “No thanks I'll pass" Bobby said a little off foot. "Bobby" warned Dean Bobby glare at Dean "Is not so bad" Sam told him "Yeah we noticed that" I muttered under my breath Dean glared at me I returned the glare.

"Damn it" said Bobby and Cass proceeded then came towards me "It'll be quick" he assured me I put my gun on my back hesitantly and hold my breath, I felt the rush of pain in my ribs and hold my tears back but couldn’t hold a few sobs and cursing he took his hand out and I quickly gasp for air straightening myself up and glaring at Dean who smirked once he saw the pain in my eyes.

"That will shield you from all angels including me" Cass explained "Good to know" Bobby said I smirked but then remembered something and put on my blank face again. "What did you mean with  ...That I am good for everything?" I asked he look taken aback.

"For everything as for almost everything" he answer I frowned was this guy serious. "Wow what a great answer" I said sarcastically Dean scoffed "Cass we gonna need a little more details" Dean order.

Cass look undecided on what to say "your mind it holds secrets one that once revealed can destroy the world" Cass replied I chuckle and shook my head " you ARE a freak damn." I cursed not believing the nerves of this guy.

"What secrets ? What do you mean she is a normal human being and why would we need to hide from angels?" Sam said I nodded exactly what I was thinking Sammy. "Your parents were hunters just as you now. And as for your last question Sam, not all angels are in good terms lately. “Cass said.

 I frowned just thinking about his first sentence "No they weren’t" I assured him cutting Sam off from whatever his next question was, there was no way they could of been.

Bobby’s head dropped hiding something "Bobby?" I asked him he didn’t look up, "Bobby" I said harshly he look up with guilt and pain in his eyes I didn’t need no explanation I felt an unbearable pain in my chest I ignored it.

"Did you knew about this?" I asked trying to hold my tears back and keep my rude face on. He looked at my eyes pleadingly "I’m sorry they asked me not to tell you anything they just wanted me to get you out of there safe that’s all they wanted but they died in the process." Bobby let out with a husky voice tears in his eyes begging to drop out.

"Bobby is okay" Sam comforted him softly I ripped my gaze off of him and looked at Cass "What secrets?" I asked kind of growl He look undecided and didn’t respond.

"Cass" warned Dean taking a step closer, Cass looked me straight in the eye "Just don’t think about your past too much, it can get us all in trouble" Cass ordered “What the hell does that means?" I growl to plain air, Cass presence was gone in a blink o fan eye "Fuking angels" Dean cursed under his breath.

I sighed in frustation avoiding eye contact with Bobby, the only person I trusted with my life had lied to me in the most horrible way. "Nina I.." Bobby began I cut him off " Don’t...don’t say you are sorry..I don’t wanna hear anything unless you’re willing to tell me the truth once and for all" I said and look at him in the eyes, he preferred to look down and don’t speak. "Fine" I muttered fighting back the pain.

I turned on my heels and headed for the door "I’m sorry" Bobby said making me stop midway to the door "That doesn’t change a thing" I said softly losing control. I headed upstairs to the room that used to be mine, I smiled at the faded memories of Bobby bringing me here when he rescued me.

The memories soon faded and I was now sitting in my old living room watching my parents at the kitchen screaming at each others fighting although I never got to know what caused their fights over and over.

"She can't be with us" yelled my momma at my father, I cried even more when I heard that.

"Yes she does!! she still our daughter Emma" screamed my father back at her then he saw me and glare at my momma who realized I was there and her eyes widened in shock, she came rushing to me and quickly pick me up calming me down.

I opened my eyes I was back in my room at Bobby's house my breathing fast as hell and something in my mind clicked.

My mom knew what I had...and she was afraid of me.

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