Ch. 24 friends are forgotten, but good friends are always remembered.

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  • Dedicated to To All Those That Like This Story Even Thou Let's Face It Is Bad >)

After days of driving…

I pulled up at a run over hotel since it was 10pm and I was heading face first to bed, my eyelids weighted a ton for being driving so long without resting. Thanks for me being stubborn and bringing my car instead of riding along with the guys, it didn’t matter; I should have been long used to it by now.

I got my stuff out and saw Sam heading into the office, Dean stayed at his car getting the bags out. I did the same with mine and headed towards Sam behind Dean who were already heading to some room, what two gentlemen’s.

I walked in as Sam stood there holding the door for me, I didn’t bother thanking since we were all exhausted. I hopped to bed and felt Dean lying beside me with a heavy sigh. I glanced at him one last time before falling at sleep, olive eyes haunting my dreams.

I looked everywhere for a way out, there wasn’t, nor that I was going to make it anyway. I looked in front of me again with a cold stone expression facing the man in black with the shadows covering his face, just like the rest of them, maybe 2o more.

He laughed out loud, I knew this laugh but couldn’t quite figure it exactly to whom belong, my blood froze as he took a step closer, still hided by the shadows. I glance everywhere again to see if an exit has popped out, none still had.

The big room looked just like a ballet studio, obviously it wasn’t pink or vivid as you imagine one of those. It was dark, dusty and abandon, there were neither doors nor windows, but I mentioned that before when I said there were really no way out.

“You think you can escape me?” the man chuckle as he lift up his face for the first time making eye contact, my eyes went wide when recognition hit them.

“Dean” I said more like a statement, the man laughed once again. This was not Dean, even though the eyes and laugh were the same, this voice was shallow, cold, evil and heartless of course.

“Not anymore” he commented sarcastically before suddenly I lost my breath and my hand fly up to my neck trying to get air in. I looked up gasping and the more the figures came closer, the less I could breath.

“You did this. You did this. You did this. You did this” a mix of voices snarled making me grabbed my head in pain, but not too long before I die suffocated.

“Nina?” Sam’s voice startled me as he called my name out, I opened my eyes with a loud gasp reaching air to my lungs grasping my neck that now hurt severely with a dry mouth.

“Get dress, we gotta get going” Dean yelled coming out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his hips, Sam gave me a concerned look before noticing and shooting a look at Dean that meant, dude-what-the-fuck.

“What? Is not as if she hasn’t seen a half naked man. Although I’m pretty sure she is pretty surprised with this body” Dean snapped pointing his abs and posing like a model while grinning cockily.

Sam rolled his eyes with an annoyed sigh then glance at me, “Hey you okay?” Sam asked worriedly glancing at my neck. I frowned standing up in a flash heading towards the bathroom when I felt a sick feeling in the dip of my stomach.

I rushed to the toilet getting just in time, I emptied the whole water and liquor I had had yesterday, plus the food of course, but it wasn’t much.

“Dude, that’s disgusting” Dean said leaning against the wall still in just a towel. I glared at him and then notice Sam come in and stand next to me helping me get up as I did so.

“I wouldn’t say surprised by you, more like disgusted as you just see” I commented smirking. Sam let go of my waist and the cold got to me once again, his hand was just so big and warm, so protective and comforting.

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