Ch. 32 Just a little tear..

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3rd Point of View.

The Winchester boys drive in silent all the way to Seattle, of course stopping 18 hours away from their destination since they hadn’t stopped since that last job on that little town after leaving Nina behind.

“A room with two twins please” Dean grumbled to the poor hotel man in the registration desk.

The red-haired guy looked up and gave Sam and Dean a suspicious look, clearly thinking those two builded handsome man were a couple, he gave Dean a cheeky smile with a nod.

“Here you go, have fun” the desk guy said handing Dean back his debit card with two key card of the hotel room.

 Dean gave the guy a confused look before glaring at him turning around leaving the office with Sam trailing behind. Sam looked at the back of his brother not being able to stop thinking about her, where was she, was she fine, was she in trouble, will she forgive them, will she forgive him?

“Sammy, what’s wrong?” Dean called as he opened the room door 35b leading to a medium size white painted room with two twin beds separated by just a small bedside table, nothing fancy or anything.

“What? Nothing” Sam replied nonchalantly brushing his brother off, of course, Dean being Dean, didn’t buy it.

“Oh come on Sam, don’t give me that crap. And if its about Nina you know she deserved it..” Dean protested, and it was for her best, Dean added in his head.

“Dean I don’t wanna talk about it, no infact, I do. She did not deserve it Dean, you are not the only stressed and worried about Cas, she cares about him as same as you, but if she says theres nothing we can do, then she is probably right” Sam declared, not wanting to start a fight but not wanting to leave Dean in victory.

“Oh please Sam, so you think se is right? That we just have to leave Cas to his own? She doesn’t cares about him, you know why? Because she doesn’t cares about anyone else but herself, get that clear Sammy” Dean spat back letting the anger, or his own guilt, boiled up inside him.

“You know that’s a lie, you better than anybody else know that she cares about others more than herself” Sam growled back facing his brothers with a deep frown.

“Oh really? Is that what you think? Go ahead, feel free to think that princess, but when she proves you wrong, don’t come crying back” Dean growled back, why the hell did Sammy defend her so much? She didn’t knew her as much as he himself, or did he?

“Whatever Dean” Sam spatted behind his back throwing the door close behind him.

Dean rubbed the bridge of his nose staring at the bathroom door where his brother had went into, glaring after it. He hopped into the left sided bed grabbing his phone and going through the calls, staring at her number, Dean hesitated as guilt ran through him over again.

Rolling his eyes and sighing annoyed he threw the phone towards the bedside table ignoring the urge to call her. In the other hand, Sam stared at the ohone in his hand as he finished getting dressed, he was determined.

He got the dirty cloths getting out of the bathroom letting Dean rushed besides him towards it, closing the door behind. Sam sighed grabbing the key card and heading out with phone in hand.

He looked around but there wasn’t much to the hotel, so he just wandered around the building looking through his contact and dialing the number with a heavy nervous sigh.

Nina POV’s

Why was this so far again? I keep asking myself, trying to stay awake as I drive through the lonely highway. I put the radio on but there wasn’t anything good so I rather turned it off.

Let's All Just Live In Hell (Supernatural Fan Fiction) STOP- UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now