Chapter 33

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This was ultimate betrayal. This entire time my mom could have been reaching out to apologize and they--the Palmers were playing God.

"Trying to control my life now? Who gives you guys the right?!"

"Your mom would pull you under again, Lia."

"You can't know that!" My voice raised. "She could have had some kind of aha moment and wanted to apologize."

"I wouldn't be so sure 'bout that."

"This is my mother, Derek. Yeah she's made a lot of bad choices but I--I still feel like I should be there for her in someway."

"How, by buying her pity? Has she ever apologized to you for any of the crap she pulled?" His voice became hard and angry.

She's never apologized when she was sober. It was only when I was helping her clean herself up did the words I'm sorry ever seep from her lips. I figured after awhile that those words were said in drunken hysteria and she never truly meant it. If she did shouldn't she have woken up remorseful?

"We care about you," Derek continued. "Your doing better with us."

"What are you guys more scared about? Me turning depressed or her trying to convince me to recant my statement?"


"Listen I don't want to argue over the phone so when I get home we can talk."

"No, tell me now. Which is it?"

There was a long sigh, "Either she'd convince you to recant or she'd put on a show to get you to forget to tell the police about the abuse."

That's what it comes down to?

"I already said I won't be talking to the cops anymore than I have to."

"We hoped somethin' would change. "

"Okay well I haven't changed my mind." I said. "I know your family cares about me, it's no secret, but I--I can't trust you guys if there are secrets. I need to know these things, Derek.  I'm not going to pick up and leave, breaking her out of jail."  I'm sure I'd be the first person they look at as an accomplice. "Your giving me reasons to hate you again, I hope you know that."


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