Chapter 1

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I glared at Derek and Hayden from a distance as they flirted with the cheerleaders. Dumb, blonde and silicone breasts are the only words I dare use to describe those vultures.

It makes me so angry to see who they've become.


"Kahlia!" my best friend Sam scolded me. She was one of those quality friends I mentioned before. "The more you stare at them, the higher chance they'd stare back. You don't want that."

What if I do? Would it be the worst if they stared back? I mean, talk about a divine miracle if a memory was ignited of us being friends. Voila, friendship rekindled! The world realigned as it should be!

"Honey, desperation doesn't look good on anybody. I don't care what those self-help books you've been reading are saying. You don't want something and just take it, okay?" Desperation brings the wrong boys to the yard."

I love Sam, she's my personal cheerleader. The Christina Aguilera to my Britney Spears on that Mickey Mouse Club house thing they were apart of. My bosom friend like Diana Barry is to Anne Shirley.

Sometimes, I worry that Sam has the wrong impression of me. I'm not desperate to be their friend again. Would it be nice? Yes. But I've given them too many chances. And---I know I'm better off without them. I don't want to be one of their lifeless leeches.

" I miss their friendship, Sam." I assured her. "I can't help but feel a little upset when I see them smiling and laughing with another people. It still hurts." Even after 4 long years I still felt so abandoned. "They were my friends once too."

It was Derek, me, and his brother Hayden for the longest time. It was just us. 3 childhood friends that spent so many hours of the day with one another. They knew all of my secrets and I knew theirs. We had secret handshakes and tin-can with strings walkie talkies. We talked in code over the phone and went to the video store to pick out scary movies we were too young to see.

I never thought that the last time we went outside to play together would be for the last time.

Things started to change when Derek got into high school at Parkland. It was a new experience and he wanted to take every advantage of it. I was very understanding of his desire to enjoy highschool. I encouraged him to try out for the school teams and I even offered to give him advice on how to ask a girl to a highschool dance. I of course had no previous experience but I was all for him enjoying being a highschool student. ----Eventually, I hung out with him less and less and we stopped talking altogether. Then almost like a contagious virus, Hayden stopped talking to me as well, following his big brothers example.

Do you feel the sting?

The back to back disappointment of losing the greatest friendship I had ever had in a matter of minutes. I couldn't wrap my head around how quickly; we're best friends, then we're strangers.

This was the first of a slew of many disappointments.

"My mother always warned me that men come out of the uterus clueless and are really only good for procreating. They don't make good friends. They make good business partners. " Sam placed her hand on my shoulder. "Time to move on, y'now?"

There Once Was A Derek & Lia (ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now