Chapter 60

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"Love, how many roads to obtain a kiss" - Pablo Neruda

I ended up leaving the hotel first as we decided it was best we didn't show up at the house at the same time. Derek anyway had to check out so it worked well this way.

When I did get home, I didn't waste any time to call Sam. I ended up going into the bathroom, turning on the shower, and sitting on the closed toilet seat.

"Hey." She said timidly on the phone. "How'd it go?"

" You already know, missy. You are a little sneak! I really thought I was going to sleep with Spellman and you already knew that Derek was going to be there."

"Believe me it was so hard not to tell you but I'm just surprised it worked out so well." she explained. "I kept questioning whether I deleted the message we sent you on Jacob's phone. I thought I did, I'm pretty sure I did, but then I couldn't remember. I was so worried."

"You are the best friend there is, Sam."

"I know," she said sweetly. I could her the smile in her voice. "Now tell me everything. Not that I want to think about you and Derek ever having sex but did it at least work out?"

"Mhm... It was amazing, Sam."

"Awwwweeee but ewwww at the same time. Lord---remove these disgusting thoughts I have in my head, amen."

I laughed into the phone, " I won't tell you the details, Sam. Just know that it happened and it was perfect."

"I'm happy for you, Lia. You get the guy."

"Well, I have the guy but no one can ever know that.. Its---better this way, you know? They can't send me away for things that they don't know about."

"You just have to act like you hate the guy even when you just want to rip his clothes off and take him in the janitors closet!"

"That went dark real fast, Sam."

"Trying to help you, my friend. Did you get any angry messages from Jacob when he realized you weren't going to show?"

"I had my phone off the night anyways but yea, I woke up to find a few. Derek won---you know? He lost so end of story."


When you move to British Columbia, one of the things that the residents here will tell you is your in for a lot of rain. B.C tops the list with an average of 1538 millimeters of precipitation falling annually.

In the past couple of days the rain here has been so bad that we broke a 61 year old record.

We're use to the rain but not this much rain all at once.

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