(Diabolik Lovers) Kanato x Reader (Oneshot)

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I hope you will enjoy this oneshot, c:

(Reader's pov)

You were a close friend of Yui, so sometimes you would come to the mansion,

but every time you was there, you would feel like you were being watched, but by what or who you might rather say?.

First you just thougt that you were being paranoid, but later on you found out that it was real enough, you were being watched, but by who?,

you realy wanted an answer to that question.

Now time most show you, if you can get an answer to that question?.

(Time skip, because why not :3?)

You were walking home with Yui, after a long day in school, and you were going to be working on a

project in (Hate subject) with Yui, this was the most boring day ever you thought.

But you were wrong, the day was going to get a little bit more exciting!.

You were now sitting, at a chair in Yui's room, trying to make this stupid, project in (Hate subject),

you were trying your hardest not to fall asleep, but to no avail.

Yui left the room to get you some snacks in hope, to wake you up.

But what you didn't know was that someone was watching you while you were asleep.

(Kanato's pov)

I was watching, (Y/n) with Teddy while she was sleeping,

she looked so peaceful, while sleeping.

I don't know why, but ever since she started to visit, the mansion,

have I started to want to know more about her.

So I have been watching her from afar, every time she would come.

She made me feel weird inside, I tryied to ask Teddy about these weird emotions, but he did not know it either.

I feelt like I needed, to watch over her, I got jealus every time some of my brother's would try to flirt with her,

(Y/n) is mine!, everything of her belongs to me!, her soft (H/l) (H/c), her beautiful (E/c),.

I thought about making her to one of my dolls, but every time I would think of that,

I would start to feel that, it was wrong and that I wanted her to be alive together with me.

But I don't know if she is feeling the same as me,

I hope she will return my feelings.

I started to stroke her soft (H/c) hair, away from her beautiful face, she was still sleeping peacefully,

" Teddy don't you think that (Y/n) chan looks cute while she is sleeping?" said I while hugging Teddy close to me, I would wish that I could hug (Y/n) chan like this.

Before I knew it, started I to hug (Y/n) close to my body,

she feelt so soft and warm, I started to hug her closer to my body.

I looked at her soft lips, and started to lean in closer to them, and kissed her on her soft lips.

Suddenly she started to wake up, she looked me in the eyes, she was blushing, how cute,

"What are you doing Kanato san?" she asked,

I kissed her again, and said "(Y/n) chan I have always loved you!, I have been watching you from afar, every time you would come, so please be mine, because I don't think I can stand watching you from afar anymore, I want to be close to you" I started to hug her, while she was blushing and suddenly she said " Kanato san, i love you to, so yes i will be your's" I got so happy, and started to kiss her on the lips again.

And you thought that this day would be boring ? xD

You thought wrong :3!!!

muhahaha ^^.



Yui was trying to find some snacks, to her and her friend (Y/n),

suddenly, she could feel Ayato from behind her back saying "Pancake I am hungry"

and you all know what he means about that, (don't take it wrong plzzz) xDDD.

The end xDD

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