(La Corda D'Oro: Primo Passo) Tsukimori Len x Reader Chapter 3.

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Sry if it's to short :c

(Reader's pov)

Why the hell is he kissing me?!, we have never meet before!

but he looks kind of familiar have I meet him before?

no no...that can't be true? or could it?, but I can't recognise him.

You tried to say something but, you couldn't say a word....

this is so embarrassing you thought, this can't get any worse!

suddenly the door slammed open, and in come your big brother Tsuchiura Ryotaro,

you were wrong it could get worse! (did I forget to tell you that in this story your in family with Tsuchiura Ryotaro?  sry but now you know it ^_^)

"What the hell are you doing to my precious little sister?!, get your hands of her!"

Your big brother started to yell at Tsukimori for trying to take your innocence (Dont take it the wrong way, it is just him that are overreacting)

You sighed and started to pack your violin back in its box (I dont know the english word for the place where you have your violin o_o)

You looked up to se that Tsukimori and your big brother, was yelling at each other for what you didnt know, and you realy didnt want to know, so you tried to walk to the door, but you were stoped from the voice of Tsukimori saying "Sry (Y/N) san I didn't know what got into me" he tried to hide a blush.

Suddenly you recollected what had happen between you two, you started to blush like crazy,you

 could still feel the warmt of hes lips on yours.

You started to say "don't think that I will, forgive you for that, that was my first kiss and you stole it from me" a single tear falled down your cheek.

You walked away in silence.

(Tsukimori's pov)

What have I done...?? I took her first kiss, I know that I should be happy to have taken her first kiss but, I feel like an idiot right know? why?.

(That was chapter 3, and there will come more :3)

Sry if it was to short :c I will try to make it longer ^-^ next time

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