(Brothers Conflict) Natsume x Reader part 2

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So a lot of you guys have, been asking for a part 2 for this story so here it finally is!

(Reader's Pov)

You were sitting on a chair, in Natsume's office.

You were a bit nervous, because it was your first time to get asked by a famous game making company,

to try out one of there new games, and promote the new game on your Youtube channel.

You started to relax a bit, after some time.

Natsume was sitting on his chair, while typing on his computer,not moving his eyes from the computer.

What was he typing on his computer? you thought, had it something to do with the new game or was it something else?

You stared at his face, he was actually pretty handsome.

Then that thought came into your head, you startet to shake your head, trying to get those embarrassing thoughts out of your head.

suddenly the handsome Natsume, moved his attention to you,

you gulped and tried to speak but you couldn't get a word out.

the room was completely silent, the silence made you a bit uneasy, but you were to nervous to break the silence.

Suddenly he moved his hand to yours.

The sudden contact with his hand , made your heart start beating faster, and your cheeks turned pink.

"You don't need to be so nervous" Natsume said with a comforting smile.

He most have thought that I was nervous, because he saw me shaking my head.

I am glad that he is trying to comfort me, but he is only making my heart beats faster.

His hand are really soft and warm, it actually makes me relax a bit.

"Thanks for your concern, I alrady feel much better now" You said, trying to hide your blushing face from him.

He gave you a gentle smile and released your hand from his.

You already missed his touch.

But you had finally started to calm down, so you tried to forget the fact that he touched your hands.

(Time skip) (At Natsume's home late at night)

(Natsume's Pov)

I was typing on my computer, but suddenly my thoughts started to play a trick on me.

The only thing I could think about, was the girl at my work.

I looked at my hand, a small blush had formed on my pale cheeks.

The image of a cute (Y/H) girl was glued on my mind . (I think it is the right way to say/spell it or?)

Why cant I get her out of my mind?

I cant stop thinking about her!.

It's interfering with my work, how can I ever get anything done if she is always on my mind!?

(Reader's Pov)

"Hi (Your, fans name), I have finally seen the game, but I haven't played it yet ,but I am so excited to try to play it but I guess we will all have to wait" You said while holding your camera.

"I guess that was all bye guys!"

You turned of the camera, and placed it on your desk.

While trying not to fall a sleep on your chair, but that didn't go so well.

(Next day!)

(Natsume's Pov)

I didn't get any sleep last night, (hmmm... can you guess why? ༼ つ ◕w◕ ༽つ )

And I am late, what a great day!

Ever since yesterday, everything has gone completely wrong for me!

I didn't get to make the few final details on the game!

and I didn't get any sleep...

And the worst of all is the fact that I cant get (Y/N) out of my head!

Not that I dont like her or anything it is just, that I cant get her out of my mind, and it is making me go crazy!

And the End of this chapter, I hoped that you liked it! c:

I am sorry if it is to short ;_; I didn't have much time to write this week ;_; because of school o_o''

While (Y/N) chan is making Natsume go crazy

School is making me go crazy つ ◕w◕ ༽つ then I think about it, it could actually be a really cool song!

(Auther chan trying to sing, but fails completely at it つ ◕w◕ ༽つ.

SCHOOOL is turning me insane, so much hOOmework! so MaNy weird TEAAAchEErS!!!

I THink I AM going CrAzyy!

SOOo MUUchHH HOmeWOOrk! but ALmOOOst noOO TIIIIme つ ◕w◕ ༽つ!

IIII almost HAAaVe noOOO tiME! つ ◕w◕ ༽つ

TOOo MAke iIIt, beFORE it IIs to late! つ ◕w◕ ༽つ!

CAAAAUse the TEEEEachers are SSCaRy(and there name is Larry! just kidding, I just tried to make it rhyme!) so I cant be late with my homework, AND I cant CoMpLaIn AbOuT iT!

this song is so weird o_O''

:3! but anyway I hope that you liked it! (The story, not the song but if you did then I am glad that my madness is making your day ;D)

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