(Owari no Seraph) Yuu x Male Reader x Mika (Oneshot)

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(I am also going to make a female Reader version)

(Reader's Pov)

I Don't know what was going on between Yuu and Mika, since the day we escaped the Moon Demon company, and the vampires. (Sry I can't really remember what happen o.o'')

They have been acting kind of weird lately. Every time Mika was trying to talk to me, Yuu was always there to drag Mika away from me.

I didn't think that Yuu liked it when I talked to Mika.

Did he have a problem with me, maybe he did not like me? or maybe he thought that I was a threat to him and Mika's relationship.

Maybe I should have stopped hanging out with Mika? but I really liked hanging out with him......

No (Y/N) don't think about Mika!!! and his sweet smile.... and his perfect blue eyes...... and his soft curly blond locks,My god! my face was turning red.

I needed to control those emotions, I couldn't keep continuing blushing every time I thought about Mika.

Because if Yuu finded out that I had a crush on Mika, he would have probably beated me to death.

I wished that I had such a close relationship with Mika, I knew that we talked and stuff, but it always felt so awkward between us, because I didn't really have the courage to talk to him, but when I finally tried to say something, he always looked away from me when he answered me, it was almost as if he was trying to hide something from me.

Maybe he thought that I was boring or maybe he was trying to make Yuu notice him by making him jeaulus?

It was obvious! Mika didn't like me he liked Yuu, he was just using me!

But I knew Mika he would never have done something like that to anyone he was a good person, and I loved him for that.

(Time-skip, Sry I am kind of practicing my english grama so.. that is why it is kind of messed up sry for that :) )

(Mika's Pov)

I am finally going to confess my feelings to (Y/N), he is such a sweet and funny person, I just love being around him, but at the same time I get so nervous when I talk to him, I can't even look him in the eyes without my face is turning red.

I am going to ask (Y/N) to meet me alone, at the beach.

I just have to make sure that Yuu will not ruin this chance too, every time I try to talk with (Y/N) Yuu is always there to drag me away from him!

I know that he has a crush on (Y/N) too, but he won't admit it..... what a tsundere.

I will not let Yuu have (Y/N), he is mine!

I am going to send a letter to (Y/N) to ask him to meet me at the beach, and when he comes down to the beach he is going to get a big surprise when he sees what I have done!

I have made a romantic diner just for him and me! and no Yuu can stop me from doing this! (Bwuahahaha :3)

Because I have asked the human girl shinoa I think that was her name or.. na that is not important!

to distract Yuu while me and (Y/N) have a romantic diner.


(Reader's Pov)

After I got Mika's message, I couldn't believe that this was actually happening, I was thinking that Mika and I was just going to hang out like we use to, but this is so different than usual. why is there roses every step I take? and why is there candless every where? I know that it is romantic and stuff but why is it here?..... ohhhh did.... Mika make all of this just for me?

I can feel my face turning red.. I can't (candle...very bad pun... ;_; sry) believe that he is doing all of this just for me, he probably likes me too!


(Mika's Pov)

Everything is going as I planned, no need to worry, I just have to relax..... but how can I relax at a time like this?! I am on a freaking date with the love of my life! I can't relax......I am so nervous.....

Get yourself together Mika! you can do this!.

I splashed some water on myself to try to calm myself down....

"Why did you splash water on yourself?" asked (Y/N) me.... wait (Y/N) is here? already how long has he been standing there?

I looked at (Y/N) and asked how long he has been here, without me noticing..

luckely for me he had just arrived, phew I am glad that he didn't see when I was practicing confessing my feelings to a crab.. yes exactly a crab!!! but sadly it turned down my confession stupid crab!

(Nobody's Pov)

But what Mika didn't knew was that (Y/N) saw it all, the way he asked the crab to spend the rest of it's life together with him was very touching, especially near the end when the crab walked away from Mika, and Mika was left alone to cry at the fact that he had just got rejected by a crab.... what a way to bust your self-esteem!

(Reader's Pov)

Mika explained to me that he is in love with this speciel person, and that he is just practicing confessin his feelings, it is kind of sweet... and weird... still sweet.. but weird... really weird.

"So who is the lucky person?" I asked Mika, trying my best not to cry.

Mika looked at me and said "it is Yo..." his face is turning red.

Suddenly we both hear a strange noice coming from the other side of the beach, was that Yuu?

Yuu came closer and closer, until he was near the table he slapped my hands away from Mika, I even didn't notice that me and Mika had been holding hands this entire time... I could feel my face turning red.

Suddenly it hit me, when Mika was trying to tell me who he was in love with I heard him say Yo, It most have been Yuu he was trying to say, and this entire time I thought that Mika, did all of this just for me... but now I see that he used me to get Yuu jealous.

Tears were running down my cheeks, I raised myself from the chair and started to walk away, as Mika and Yuu was arguing.

(Yuu's Pov)

Why is (Y/N) on a date with Mika?!?!?

He should be on a date with me...... wait did I just think that?!

It's not like I like him or anything..... (BAKA, sry :3)

Now that I think about where is (Y/N)? did he leave us?

"Mika (Y/N) is gone!" I said to Mika, to try to make him shut up so we could find, my (Y/N) wait.. did I just call (Y/N) mine?

Mika suddenly stopped arguing, and started to look around, the beach. He could not see (Y/N) anywhere,

Mika looked down and said "We probably scared him away" I felt ashamed of myself I never wanted to scare (Y/N).

But (Y/N) is used to me and Mika arguing with each other allot so why did he get scared this time?

then I looked around I saw, that Mika had made a romantic diner too (Y/N).

It suddenly hit me! he probably thought that I was in love with Mika.. gross..... (Sry MikaxYuu shippers ;_;)

And thought that I was going to hurt him......

I needed to talk to (Y/N) and tell him that the one I am in love with is not Mika but him.

I looked determined at Mika and said "I think I know where to find him, follow me" Mika followed me.

we have come to an agreement that we will share him.

The end. (sry if there is any spelling mistakes, I felt really tired at the ending o_o'' but I hope that you enjoy this oneshot)

(There will soon come a girl version)

I found the best website to help me spell probably and get the grama right. the website is called Verbix ^^ trust me it is great!

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