(Bakuman) Fukuda Shinta x Manga-kaReader x Niizuma Eiji part 2

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Hi guys!, I am back with a new part for this story, I hope that you like it c:

(Reader's pov)

You were realy frustrated right now, first you got into an fight with your, editor because you didn't have any ideas to what your next manga was about, you actually had no idea what you were going to do.

And as a bonus you got into an fight with your big brother Mashiro.

This was probably the worst day of your life.

But you didn't have time to think about that now, you needed to focus on your work and suddenly you got a great idea.

Maybe if I research some manga's maybe then I could get some good ideas to a new oneshot, and maybe then it could get turned into a manga!.

But first I need to decide on what kind of genre, it could be....hmmm..... oh maybe it could be (Decide a genre)?.

Good I have decided, now I just need to find some manga's with that genre!, and maybe get some inspiration!

Yes let's get started!.

Maybe I could read some manga's at Mashiro Oni chan and Takagi kun's work place, they have a giant selection of manga's.

(Time skip)

(Takagi's pov)

I tried to think about a new story plot, but suddenly, the door slamed open and in came (Y/N) chan,

"(Y/N) chan what are you doing here?" asked I,

she suddenly started to talk, about that Mashiro was angry at her, and that she had to read some manga's with (Genre choice) so that she could get some ideas, to a new oneshot so she could make a manga.

I sighed "(Y/N) chan dont worry, I dont think that he is mad, at you, he is just concerned about your health, and he is not the only one, I am worried to and Azuki chan is to and the same goes for Miyoshi chan, they are all worried about you. You seriously need to start eating, more and get some rest".

Suddenly (Y/N) falled down on the floor and started to cry, "I am sorry, for making you guys worried, about me and my health, I am so sorry.... I am sorry" her sobs started to get louder and louder, and suddenly it all went black for her and she passed out on the floor.

"(Y/N) CHAN!!!," I started to scream.

I need to call an ambulance, quickly!, please be alright (Y/N) chan, you cant die now.

(Time skip)

(Mashiro's pov)

I have been drawing now for almost two hour's now.

I Dont hope that (Y/N) chan is mad at me.

But suddenly my phone started ringing, I tried to give a reply but suddenly, the person on the other line of the phone started to scream "Mashiro!! (Y/N) is in the hospital, she passed out!, the docter's says that she is in some sort of coma!!" it was Takagi?!

WHat??.... it cant be true...

"Mashiro" "Mashiro answer "

"I am coming, dont leave (Y/N) chan out of your sight, I will be there soon"

And that was part 2!, I hope that you guys liked it!

Sry if it is to dramatic right now, but just wait it will soon get a little bit more romantic just wait  c;


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