(Brothers Conflict) Natsume x Reader Part 4

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What do you think about the idea of Takuma? is it a good idea or is it ruining the story??

((Y/N)'s Pov)

I am so excited for today!!

I am going to see Asahina-san again today...

Wait what am I thinking about!

why should I be excited to see him..... It's not like I like him....or do I??

No that is insane! I have just met him, it is not possible to fall in love with someone you just have met?!

Okay I need to calm down, and not let this ruin my chance of getting to try out the new game that, the company wants me to try.

*sound of a message*

That sounds like my phone? What could that be? maybe the game company....or maybe Asahina-san?

Stop thinking about him (Y/N)! you need to focus, dont think about him!

I looked at my phone and saw that it was another message  from the exact same person, who wrote to me yesterday, then suddenly I looked up at the clock.

look at the time! I need to go to work!

(Time-skip) ( (Y/N) pov)

I got there right on time! let me see... what do I have to do today!

I have a meeting with the game companys bosses, about business.

I actually have no idea why they want to have a meeting with me.

(time-skip at the meeting. (Y/N) pov)

The meeting is starting slowly,and god this is so awkward.... nobody is talking, they are all just staring straight at the door.

Suddenly someone opened the door, it was a guy who looked like he was the same age as me, but he looked a little bit older than me.

He had middle long black hair, with some of the hair being colored red, the hair was covering one of his eyes.

He suddenly looked at me catching me staring at him, I blushed and looked away from him.

"You are late....again Takuma" said an angry old man, who I guessed was the companys boss.

"Sorry boss, but I had something important to deliver to Asahina-san" said Takuma a little bit nervous.

"Enough about that, let's just continue the meeting" said the boss.

"(Y/N) we have something that we would like to discuss about with you, and we think that you will like this offer" said the boss.

"What is it?"I said a little bit to excited.

The boss laughed a little, and smiled at me and said to me that he would, like to hire me as their official game tester!

I smiled at him and said yes almost a thousand times, I am so happy!

"and now that you are our official game tester, that means that you now have Takuma as your personal assistant"

Said the boss with a smile, pointing his finger at Takuma, who was staring at me while drooling...why is he drooling??

Takuma wiped of the drool on his lips, and smiled at me "I am Takuma your personal assistant, if you need anything dont hesitate to ask, or call me!"

I smiled and nodded at him, trying my best not to freak out.

"The meeting is over, all of you get back to work, Takuma show (Y/N) her office, and (Y/N) let's just keep this as a little secret, until we reveal the new game, and then we can tell them that you are our official game tester"

I smiled at him and said "I understand boss, I wont say anything to anyone promise"

I walked out of the meeting room together with my new personal assistant Takuma.

Takuma took my hand, and started to drag me in the direction of my office.

I cant wait to see what it looks like,wait... is that the exact same hand as the one he wiped of his drool with, I am holding?!

(Takuma's Pov)

I am holding hands with (Y/N) sama!! Her hands are so soft. 

Her office should be around here!

I pointed at the door next to Asahina-sans office. "That is your office (Y/N)-chan" I said while trying to hide my nosebleed from her,  god she is so cute.

Suddenly while I was walking closer to her Office, the door to Asahina-sans office opened.

And out he came...damm him dont interfere with me and my sweet (Y/N) chan!

Asahina-san looked at (Y/N) chan and said that he needed to show her something, he said that it has something to do with the game progres.

(Y/N) told me to wait outside.

I tried to find an excuse for her to not follow him... but it was already to late for me.....damm you Natsume!!!

(Time-skip) ( Y/N pov)

I walked with him into his office I wonder what it is that he needs to tell me about the games progress?

I sat down at the chair beside his.

He looked at me and said "(Y/N) do you perhaps want to eat dinner with me at my house?" wait that has nothing to do with the games progress......did he just try to make an excuse up to get me away from Takuma-san,so he could tell me this??

I started to blush.... "I would love to, when is it?" I tried to hide my blush from him

He looked at me and said "What about tonight? we could walk home together, to my house and eat dinner" He started to blush a little bit.

"Okay, that sounds like fun so I guess it is a date?" I said while blushing like an idiot.

"Yeah I guess" said Natsume, he took my hands in his, and kissed them.

I cant wait to eat dinner with him!

(Timeskip) (Natsume's Pov)

I am walking home with (Y/N), I am holding her hand, we talked about different kinds of games that we both liked, and other stuff.

When we got home to me, I started to cook dinner,  while she helped me.

When we were done eating, she told me that it was getting late, and that she nedded to go home.

When we looked outside the window it was raining , I told her that she could stay for the night at my house, she thanked yes, and gave me a kiss on the cheek as a thank you.

I started to blush, like crazy, I took the chance and gave her a kiss on the lips.

But what I didn't see when I looked outside that window, was that a person outside the house staring straight at (Y/N) with hunger and lust in his eyes.

The end! C: 

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