I am really sorry!!!! ;_; ;_;

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I am sorry but, I dont have anymore time :c

I am really sorry!!! I tried to make as many as possible, but I didn't have the time to make it all done....

So I wont be able to finish all the Oneshots that I promised you guys! ;_; I feel so bad for not being able to keep my promise ;_;

I thought that I had the chance to finally being able to make some oneshots and more parts for storys, but I guess I was wrong ;_;

Another two try Exams....... ;_; and I had to study!

I will try to make the Oneshots in, the next two weeks, I cant promise anything :(


But here is a little joke for you ;D


stu dying

stu died

Do you get it ;D ???

anyone that can relate to this ? :D

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