(Black Butler) Yandere Sebastian x Reader x Yandere Ciel part 4

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I have counted the votes and the winner is! (This chapter can maybe get a bit adult, kind of lime, but not much)

A that means, that Grell is going to kidnap you! lucky you o_o'' seriusly what kind of prize is this ;_;

A got 4 votes!

B got 2 votes!

(Flash back, to part 3)

"hmmm well I think it is time to go home now.... don't you think so too my dear little (Y/N) chaan <3??"

(Y/N) stared at Grell.

Grell started to smile at (Y/N) chan, he gave her a quick kiss before...........

(Nobody's Pov)

jumping out of the window, holding his dear (Y/N) chan close to his chest, making sure she wont get hurt in the progress.

The poor (Y/N) chan was screaming, crying and begging for Grell to let go of her.

Grell just smiled at her, while trying to dodge, Sebastians endless storm of butter knifes.

Grell ran as fast as he could, and Before Sebastian or Ciel, could do anything, had Grell already gotten away with their precius (Y/N).

Sebastian and Ciel could still hear (Y/N) calling for help in their heads, they had failed to protect (Y/N).

They did not know where Grell had taken her, but one thing they knew was that, when they got her back they, would never let her go again, they will make sure of that.

(Time-skip) (Sebastian's Pov)

How could I be such a fool, and let that fool to Grell get away with my (Y/N)?!?

When I find him.....I will definatly not hesitate to tear his body apart!

That is what happends to people who takes, my lovely (Y/N) away from me.

But I have to keep calm now, and wait patiently for the young master to make a plan on how we get (Y/N) back.

For now I will serve him, but when we get (Y/N) back, I will cancel the contract and make an end to his life

cause I am the only one who can have (Y/N)! she is mine!

(Ciel's Pov)

What does Grell think he is doing?! stealing my beloved (Y/N)!

That fool...........dosen't he know that when you take something from Ciel Phantomhive, there will be big consequences.

When we find Grell I will make him pay for what he did to (Y/N), nobody else than me is allowed to touch her, to kiss her, to be near her. Nobody else than me is allowed to do that!

And when we save (Y/N) there will be no one to take her away from me again!

She will be together with me forever!!

And not even Sebastian can prevent that from happening, because he would already be dead!

I will make sure of that! just wait (Y/N) I will find you, and when I do I will make you mine!

((Y/N) Pov)

I Dont know where Grell has taken me, but it looks like some kind of shop, with alot of coffins?!

Where the hell am I !?

"Grell where have you taken me?!" I asked trying my best not to break down in tears.

Why couldn't Grell just leave me the hell alone!! Why did he have to kill William, I loved William with all my heart, and he knew that, so why did he kill him?! wasen't he supposed to be my best friend, But he betrayed me.

Grell looked at me and saw, the tears there was running down my cheeks, he came closer to me, and started to lick away my tears, while trying not to start moaning.

suddenly his face came closer, and he whispered in my ear "Don't cry my (Y/N) dear, I only want to make you happy" I looked at him, his sick green eyes, were filled with lust.

The tears keept falling down my cheeks, and Grell continued to lick them away, but this time he was not trying to hold his moans in, he was moaning, my name over and over again.

I feel so empty.....god what have I done to deserve such a miserable life?

If there is a god then please save me, from this hell.

"Now (Y/N) chan... let's take this to the next level" said an almost drooling Grell,

I looked him in the eyes, "Grell no I dont want this I dont love you!" I screamed at him, I started to break out in tears.

"Now (Y/N) dont be so sad, I promise to be gentle" said Grell while smiling showing his sharp teeths of.

Suddenly some one burst through the door and in came Sebastian and Ciel.

I am saved! thank you god!

(Grell's Pov)

Stupid Sebastian and Stupid Ciel!

why did you guys have to ruin my chance of finally making (Y/N) mine!

I almost got to the best part of it all!

I pulled out my chainsaw and starterd to walk closer to them with (Y/N) chan in my grasp, she is still crying, it is probably because we got interrupted by these filthy pigs! dont worry (Y/N) when I kill them, we can get back to what we were doing before.

The end of this chapter c:

I have gotten an idea as we are nearing the end of this story I thought of an idea, that

Sebastian should have an ending with (Y/N), and Ciel should have one and maybe Grell should have one too?

Do you like that idea, or do you have some other ideas?! then tell me in the comments what you would like.

Anime x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora