(UtaPri) Ittoki Otoya x Reader x Ranmaru (Trailer)

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I am not really good at writting lemons, but I will try my best.

I came up with an idea to a new story, but it is not done yet, cause I dont know if it is good enough.

Otoya is a bit yandere.... (I promise he wont kill anybody, in this story) (Warning: Lemon)

(A part from the story)

"Otoya what are you...doing"?(Y/N) said while trying to break free from Otoya's tight grasp.

Otoya tried to hold (Y/N) still, but she wouldn't relax in his grasp.

Otoya started to walk to the Sofa, while carying (Y/N) in his arms.

(Y/N) was  sitting on Otoya's lap, while he was resting his head on her neck.

"Otoya.. why are you doing this? this is not something you would normally do.."

(Y/N) tried to hold her moans in, as Otoya started to play with her clothed womanhood.

"Can you remember that time then I told you that I loved you, and you didn't take my words seriously...." Otoya suddenly said, while trying to hold his tears back.

He continued to talk "You never take me serius, why.....why...... cant you see me as a man"!?.

Otoya started to lick your earlobe , while whispering in your ear "(Y/N) I am not a kid, I am a man. a man who loves you, not as a sister neither as a friend, but as a lover. (Y/N) I love you. And if you still see me as a kid, then....." Otoya's eyes suddenly turned dark, as he continued to talk "I am going to show you that, I am a man, and that I am serius about my feelings for you".

You were shockt, did he really mean all those things?...... you shrugged your head, no he is my brother (Not real brother and sister, you where both raised at the same orphanage, and you two were always seeing together, so the people at the orphanage, started to call you two brother and sister.

Otoya started to leave bite marks on your neck, marking you as his.

and there it ends ^-^'' because it ended here is because I wanted to know you guys opinions, so please leave a comment, to give me your opinion on this story c:. and if you liked it and want me to continue it, then ofc I will.

(Oh here is something extra on May the 20, a Part 2 for Natsume x Reader, a really long, long chapter

I promise you guys it will be long!. I am already working on it! and Ofc. The other story's will probably be done, in a week or two.

(I am trying to make the story parts longer, so sry if I am slow at updating)

Anime x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora