Sinistral: New World

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Dear Zack,

I'm sorry. I didn't know it would come to this. I promised myself I never let you go again, but yet again I've broken that. Maybe not on purpose but never the less I have. I had too though, for yours and her safety. I have to know answers, answers which I must find on my own. I hope we will meet again, on better terms. Hell maybe next time I'll see you Sinistral will be safe again. I'm sorry to tell you this but your parents are in Sinistral. He has them; he'll try using them against me and you, he already kind of did. He'll come for you but that's why I'll find him first. Don't come and find me, find your parents. It's what you need to do now.

See you again maybe someday.


A while before hand.....

Chapter One

Now you know.

You may ask how I've been able to tell you everything that happened. Maybe you even want to know what happened next. Maybe where I am right now. It's not that simple. My words ink the pages of the diary, each line repeating my horrible experiences within Sinistral. What's going to happen next? Maybe you even ask how or why I have diary.

Look I'm not going to make this sound like some happy ending, far from it. I'm in the..., "Cayden!" a voice screamed.

I let go of the pen in my hand it rolling across the table and dropping onto the ground. My eyes shot to the door which is not too far away this being a cramped room. I just about see it with the lack of light in here. Two Scars had dragged Zack from the bed,he had been sleeping. After the temple, Lucas and Actros stuck us in here; it's been a few days or maybe even a week. Time in Sinistral will always be like that, hard to tell how long has past but of course you know that I told you that before.

I rushed to my feet running towards them. As I reach the door Zack and the Scars are already out the room in the corridor, Lucas stood at the door. I jumped half way through my skin. "Morning Nephew," he smiled. Its morning, no wait he is trying to distract me!

"I'm not falling for those," I begin but he grabbed me by the neck and slams me against the door.

"You're on your last legs Nephew watch your mouth," he spits in my face. I look at me him wearily and nod slowly.

"That's a good little nephew," he smiles.

"Please, I'll do anything you say. Just don't hurt Zack," I beg him.

"Hurt Zack, I'm not going to hurt him foolish boy! I'm going to upgrade him," he smiles. I grit my teeth at him. I had hoped he had given up on this crazy plan of turning Zack into a Scar but I guess that be wishful thinking.

"You what!" screamed a loud voice, if I am correct it sounds like Actros.

Across came rushing down the corridor looking pissed off. "Lucas we have to get across to Gorlodion now," says Actros not paying the slightest bit of attention to Lucas's hand around my neck. Lucas let go but made sure I had no chance of escape.

"Why? This I have been waiting for. You said everything is going to plan no more then ten minutes ago," says Lucas.

"I know but I was wrong. We need to start taking control both ourselves. The Scars can only do so much over there. We'll deal with this when we get back. You'll be back in no time and then you can get the new Scar you deserve," smiles Actros. I gave him a nasty look, when he glanced at me.

Actros grabbed me by the hair. "We could just destroy him now though," he smirks. "Put him down."

"As much as I know he is a dick, he is still family. I said I'll give him a chance," whispers Lucas.

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