Thirteen | Weight of the World

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"Life is throwing you curves - you can make it.

Take it in, try again, you don't deserve this."


"You have to admit, it's a nice room." Eden smiled as she surveyed the room she'd been put in with Kitty. Admittedly, it wasn't as homely as hers - there were no thin patterned blankets covering the walls, no fairy lights, no posters of bands and the bed was a single... but there was something about the room that just charmed her. It was just a shame that her best friend didn't even seem interested in it. All Kitty had been doing was staring out the window with a sad look in her eyes. Even though Eden knew she should be a little worried for her friend, she was glad there was still some emotion running through her body - it was when there was a vacant, distance look that she'd start to panic.

"It is." Although the emptiness in her voice was a little terrifying, Eden was glad Kitty was trying to maintain the conversation, even if she didn't realise it.

"And you're right next to a certain somebody!" Eden waggled her eyebrows but stopped when she realised that Kitty was still just staring at nothing. She hadn't even bothered to answer - it had been the same all day. In the car, she'd made a little bit of effort (although she was sure it was so that no-one would question her about her silence) but it was mainly Micah and Eden chatting away. To be honest, Eden had expected that - she was definitely the more chatty and sociable one out of the duo, especially since Brandon's... departure. "'Ey?"

"Right." She sighed at Kitty's abrupt answer and flung herself onto the bed, bouncing slightly as she did. In all honesty, after the last time this happened, Eden thought it would never happen again. But then again, both girls never thought they'd see Brandon again - if Alpha Samuel Flowers didn't want you to come back, you weren't coming back. But Brandon stupidly had. Why? Eden had no idea. She had thought it might've been because he'd been harbouring some secret feelings for Kitty - which wouldn't have surprised her. Although after learning that Brandon had actually met his mate (who was two years older than him - Eden had forced herself to refrain from making a 'cougar' comment since her best friend was a little out of it) she was stumped as to why he'd returned. 'A promise' wasn't a good enough reason to defy Kitty's bastard of a father.

Sighing, and not wanting to succumb into a sour mood, she stretched her body and decided to go for a run. Her wolf was restless, not only because of Kitty's mood but also because they were on new territory. At Alpha Samuel's, everyone knew who she was and no-one questioned her. Here? She knew people would be watching and talking about her (and Kitty) and while she did like having attention... it would be different. If a wolf got too cocky and tried it on, and Eden wasn't in the mood, she couldn't resort to her usual (violent) methods to solve the situation. And if someone hurt her Kitty... she let out another loud sigh. For the sake of her best friend, she'd have to be on her best behaviour. Gabriel's pack probably knew where Eden and Kitty came from, even if it had been hidden that Kitty was the alpha's daughter. Eden wouldn't succumb to how these wolves saw the Flower wolves. She was not a vicious savage, contrary to belief from some of her own pack members.

Pushing herself off her bed - she'd claimed the one nearest the door - she searched through her holdall bag and pulled out some baggy shorts and an oversized t-shirt for herself, and then found some joggers for Kitty and a flannel shirt. With her back still turned, a mischievous grin formed on her lips as she bunched Kitty's clothes into a ball and launched it at her head. Satisfaction filled her when she saw it smack Kitty's head and fall off.

"Come on, grouchy, we're going for a run." The smug look on Eden's face couldn't even wiped as Kitty narrowed her eyes. Without waiting for any confirmation, she stripped down to her birthday suit before putting on her 'exercise' clothes (it wouldn't matter if they got a little muddy when she left them). "And yes, you have to come."

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