Twenty Five | Hopeless

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"I can hear the devil call my name.


violence is in this chapter; please be aware!

There had only been three moments in her life, that Kitty had lost her cool in the public eye. The first (although she couldn't recall it) was when she was around five or six. Apparently, Nathan had been taunting her with a teddy that had 'super cool' powers. He'd talked it up so much and then refused to give it to her. That was when the screaming started, that was when she'd lay on the floor and flail her arms and feet around. When the waterworks would come out to play. It was Hell that day – most of the adult wolves couldn't stand to be around her.

The second time was when Brandon had been banished. There hadn't been any screaming, but Kitty had had a breakdown in front of everyone. Red-rimmed eyes, extremely wet cheeks and snot everywhere. It wasn't pretty. It wasn't attractive. And it was beneath an alpha's daughter to do it.

The third time? That was when her father's guards were dragging her down the corridor. She'd kicked, screamed and thrashed about in their grip. It was futile; she was never going to escape then. She called out for her father – begging for him to stop. Begging for anything – that she was sorry. That she'd do what he wanted.

Of course, it didn't work.

She had no idea how long she'd been immersed in the darkness. Her fingers were most likely bruised from the constant banging (or at least what she could manage) on the cupboard door. She'd given up a while ago – either no-one was listening, or no-one wanted to go against the alpha and help her. That was if they even knew it was her in there.

Trying to shift positions, she let out a small groan. Nothing was comfortable and her legs felt as if they were about to give out. She'd tried to crouch earlier (it was pretty much impossible to sit), but that hadn't helped either. Her feet were still complaining and she was sure she had stretched a muscle or two. Kitty's entire body was in pain; it wasn't aches any more. A twinge here, a twinge there, it started out as. Until the twinges lingered for too long and decided that they'd turn into sharp pains.

Being surrounded by darkness didn't help either. Strange shapes had somehow formed in the dark, and Kitty wasn't exactly confident of what her mind was conjuring up. Outside, she could hear the world but it was faded. But she swore she could hear someone else in the room with her – even though it was impossible. There was no room for another person!

As she tried, for the umpteenth time, to find a comfortable spot, she let out a string of curses. She knew why her father had put her in the cupboard – to make her think about her actions. To see the consequences. Unfortunately for the alpha, it wasn't working in his favour. The longer she was trapped in the cramped space, the more she that she found herself doing the right thing. Her father claimed that her rejection would cause a war, but it wouldn't. Mainly because she hadn't rejected Gabriel, and also because no-one was petty enough to start a war over a rejection of mates. It just wasn't worth the effort.

Letting out a sigh, she wondered if it was worth trying to fall asleep – it's not like she was planning on escaping. Her dad was going to let her out at some point. She wasn't a prisoner. But just as the thought fleeted to her mind, she heard snapping and creaking. Someone was undoing the lock. As they wrenched it open, Kitty's eyelids screwed shut. The light that poured in was too blinding – her eyes had become accustomed to the darkness.

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