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I dedicate this chapter to Collective_WillSinge because she dedicated to me one of her chapters last night.



Much love,



"Found one yet?" Jayden asked Trent while peering over his shoulder. They were watching the videos of the contestants who want to be a member of their group.

"Nah... You know, this is hopeless!" Trent said, getting annoyed by the videos and random voices of the contestants. "I mean, look! Listen to their voices! No offense, but they are all pretty crappy singers!"

Julian and Zach laughed for they couldn't believe that the calm and collected Trent Bell has lose it.

"Hey, take a look at that one." William said, pointing to the new video which was Nicole's video.

"Really, Will? You still want to listen?" Trent said.

"Yeah. Why give up? It's not yet the end Trent!" He replied.

Trent sighed desperately and clicked on the video.

"Nicole Thompson, seventeen years old." Jayden read the information on the top. "From Perth. Ooh... Just where Samantha Jade came from."

"Play it!" Julian said.

Trent pressed the play button and as soon as it started playing, they all fell silent as for her voice was angelic and powerful. Both Jayden and Julian couldn't stop watching her and they had instantly become obsessed with her.

"Man, she's good." Zach said.

"Yeah I know." William said.

Suddenly, Trent clapped his hand. "I want her! I want this girl! We gotta get her!" He said.

"Whoa, calm down." Zach said.

"She's PERFECT! As in PITCH PERFECT guys." Trent added. "Boys, meet Nicole Thompson, our new member of the band. And guess what?"

"What?" The four of them asked.

"WE ARE GOING TO PERTH." Trent declared.


"Wow Trent. I seriously can't believe that we're going to Perth just to get this girl. I mean, she can just go here by herself." Zach said.

"Aw c'mon Zach! It will be worth it." Trent said.

"It better be worth it." he said as he rolled his eyes.

"I was listening to her voice last night until I fell asleep. God, she's so good!!!" Julian said.

"Obsessed much?" Jayden teased him.

"Now, look who's talking!"

"Yeah Jayden! You were listening to her too until you dozed off last night." William said cheekily.

"Thanks for spilling the beans, Will." He said sarcastically.

William just poked his tongue out to him.

A few minutes later, it was already their boarding time.

"We're gonna get you Nicole. Ready or not, here we come." Trent muttered.


"So, any news about the audition?" Christina asked while they were watching 'The Ellen DeGeneres Show'. "Did you get through?"

"I don't know yet. I haven't got a call yet." Nicole replied.

She had told Christina about her auditioning for The Collective and they were both happy and excited about it.

"I'm sure that you'll get a call from them." Christina said.

It's been two days since she sent that video and no news yet from them were heard and she was starting to get upset. Just then, a loud knock came on the door.

"I'll get it." Christina said as she went to the door. She opened it and saw The Collective standing in front of her.

"Hi! We're looking for Nicole Thompson." Trent said.

"Why are you looking for my daughter?" Christina asked.

"We have watched her video and to be honest, her voice is really magnificent." William said.

"We want her in our band." Julian said.

"Is she here, Mrs. Thompson?" Jayden asked.

"Mom? Who is it?" Nicole asked from the living room.

"Come here and have a look for yourself." Christina replied then she turned to the boys and let them come in and they went in.

"Mom... Who---?" Nicole was cut off when she saw The Collective standing in front of her and she couldn't believe it. But the one that really caught her eye was Jayden, and he was looking straight at her.

"Can someone please catch me?" Nicole said and then she fainted.


Nicole opened her eyes and found herself in her room and she thought that what happened a while ago was just a dream. Then, her phone rang and it was Phoebe.

"What's up Phoebe?" Nicole said. "Feeling any better?"

"Nope. I'm currently dying." Phoebe replied. "I hate it! I hate having flu!"

"No one wants to have flu Phoebe."

"I know."

"I hope you feel better soon."

"Aw, that's so sweet of you Nix."

"You know Phoebe, I had the best dream ever!"

"What kind of dream?"

"I dreamt that The Collective came into my house." Nicole replied as she went downstairs and what she saw took her by surprise. "... Or maybe not." Her blue eyes brightened up as for she saw Zach, Trent, Jayden, Julian and William sitting on the couch, talking with Christina.

"What do you mean?"

"Phoebe, they are REALLY here."

And a high-pitched scream came on the other end of the line. The boys heard the scream and found her there, standing, with her phone near to her ear.

"I'll call you later." Nicole said then she hung up.

"You're awake." Jayden said with a smile on his face as he went towards her.

"God... It's-It's ..." She stammered.

"Yes, it's us. The Collective." Trent finished for her.

"I... I don't understand. Why are you guys here?" she asked, trying to sound calm but deep inside she's screaming and her heart was beating so fast.

"Nicole, they have watched your video on their website and they chose you to be their new member." Christina explained. Nicole's eyes widened as tears of joy came out.

"I'm so proud of you." she added as she hugged her.

"Oh my God!!! Really?!" Nicole squealed on joy.

"Yes." William answered.

"Oh god... Oh my god...." Nicole said as she shook her head and tears of joy came out from her eyes. And she thought that at last, all of her patience and perseverance paid off.

"Well, because you have a talent, you deserve to be a part of our band and so, to be a legal member of our band, you have to sign this." Zach explained as he gave her a blue folder. She opened it and it was a contract--- A contract from Sony Records.

"Your signature is the only thing that's missing there." he said.

She signed the blank line on top of her name and then she gave the folder back to him.

"Welcome to the family Nicole!!!" Trent greeted her and they all formed a group hug.

The New Girl In The BandDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora