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She laughed nervously as she tucked her hair behind her ears, "Well, crush is low on my priority list right now." she lied and hated herself for saying that.

"So you mean that you don't like anyone?" He asked.

"At the moment. But that can change anytime." she replied while smiling. He smiled back and hoped deep inside that she would come to like him too in a special way.

"We're here." William declared and they all piled out of the car and walked through the doors of Sony Records Australia.

"Nicole, we have to hear your voice first so that we can identify what parts of your singing that we have to work on." He added as they went in the studio.

"Okay. Cool." she said. "What song do I have to sing?"

"I've been searching last night on YouTube and found this song called 'Note To God' by Charice. Your voice is pretty high so I'm sure that the song's perfect for your voice."

"Oh. Okay. Good thing that I know that song."

"Alrighty then. Shall we start?"

She nodded as she went in the recording cubicle and put the earphones then gave thumbs up on William and he nodded as he pressed the play and record button. The intro started and then she started to sing:

If I wrote a note to God

I would speak what's in my soul

I'd ask for all the hate to be swept away

For love to overflow

If I wrote a note to God

I'd pout my heart out on each page

I'd ask for war to end and for peace to mend this world

I'd say

I'd say

I'd say

Give us the strength to make it through

Help us find love 'cause love is overdue

And it seems like so much is going wrong on this road we're on....

If I wrote a note to God, I'd say:

'Please help us find the way'

End all the bitterness put some tenderness in our hearts

And I'd say...

I'd say

I'd say

Give us the strength to make it through

Help us find love 'cause love is overdue

And it looks like we haven't got a clue

Need some help from You

Grant us the faith to carry on

Give us hope when it seems all hope is gone

'Cause it seems like so much is going wrong on this road we're on



We can't do it on our own......



Ohh.......... (Give us the strength to make it through... Help us find love 'cause love is overdue)

And it looks like we haven't got a clue

Need some help...... (From You)

Grant us the faith to carry on

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