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After a few weeks, Nicole and The Collective met again at the launching of their new single called "Thank God I Found You". (A/N: I know it's Mariah Carey's song but let's just pretend that this was Nicole and The Collective's song.)

"So how are you and Mark?" Jayden asked, trying to sound casual. She smiled, "We're doing just fine." She said and then his attention turned to her engagement ring.

"So when's the wedding?" He asked.

"What?" She asked.

"I saw your ring. It's an engagement ring. When's the wedding?"

She chuckled, "We haven't talked about that yet." She said.

"Oh. Okay. I'm sure that you two would have gorgeous kids in the future."

She laughed but little did they know that they were both hurting on the inside then she sipped her champaign when William came to them, a little bit tipsy. Or not.

"Yo guys..." He said drunkily. "How's it going?"

"Good." Nicole and Jayden both replied.

"This party launch is great, don't you guys think?" He said. "Whatcha reckon Jaydog?"

"I reckon you're drunk so I better take you home." Jayden said as he put both of their glasses down on the table nearby.

William's eyebrow furrowed and looked at him, "Whadda hell are ya talkin' 'bout? Does this face tell you that I'm drunk?" He said as he pointed his face that was red like an apple.

"Yes. And dude, you look and smell like shit so you really need to go home now." He said and Nicole laughed. He turned to her, "Sorry. Have to take him home now."

"Alright. Alright. Take him home." Nicole said while laughing then she walked back to the table where Zach, Trent and Julian were.

"Jeez... I told Will to take it slow." Trent said as he shook his head.

"Guess he really enjoyed this party launch." Zach said.

"Well, we should really enjoy this night, shouldn't we?" Julian said and they all nodded. Then they noticed that Nicole was silent ever since she sat down on the table with them.

"Nicole..." Julian said but she didn't respond and instead, continued to look intently at her glass of champaign.

"Hellooooo?! Earth to Nicole?! Earth to Nicole?! Nicole, are you there?" Julian said, clicking his fingers in front of her and finally got her attention.

"What?" She said as she looked at them.

"You're spaced out. Are you okay?" Trent asked.

She just nodded.

"C'mon. We knew that you're not okay when you're quiet." Zach said. "We've been band mates for quite a while, you know." Then he sipped from his glass of wine. Julian squinted his eyes as he looked at her left hand and then his eyes widened in surprise as he recognized that it was an engagement ring.

"You're engaged already?!" Julian said in surprise as he pointed her ring. Trent and Zach looked at her left finger and saw her engagement ring.

"When's the wedding?" Trent asked.

"We haven't talked about that yet." She said then she sighed. "But you know guys, I feel uneasy."

"Why?" Julian asked.

"I don't know... Like, I thought that I would feel happy and light once that I say yes to him but it's the opposite of what I thought." Nicole replied.

"Then that only meant either of these two things. One, you're just not REALLY that ready. Two, he's not really the one you want to spend the rest of your life with." Zach said and Nicole looked at him.

"Ooh... Sounds like Dr. Love is in." Julian teased and they all laughed but it slowly died when Zach stopped and smiled thoughtfully, "But seriously, if any of those two was really the reason why you feel like that then you and him should talk." He said. "I mean, we can't answer or fix it for you. I can't fix it for you just because I'm in a relationship."

"I don't quite relate to what you guys are talking about but Nicole, be honest with us. Do you really love Mark?" Julian asked her. She looked down on her glass and realized that she's halfway to finishing it.

"Well, I do." She said.

"Then how come you feel uneasy when you love him?" He said.

"I don't know... It's just that whenever when I'm with Mark, I'm happy but what I noticed was that I'm a lot happier when Jayden's around. It's like Jayden seems to lighten up the things in my life."

"Then you really don't want to spend the rest of your life with Mark." Trent said.

"In other words, you really don't love him. You're in love with our little Jaydog." Zach concluded and then he winked at her with a thoughtful smile.


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P.S. Do you guys want me to upload the Prologue of my new fanfic?


The New Girl In The BandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora