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As soon as they arrived at Sydney airport, their fans cheered and they stopped first to have a chat and take a photo with them.

"Are you and Nicole going out?" A girl asked Trent.

"Yeah, are you two going out? Because we've seen pictures of you together on the internet, holding each other's hand and you two look all so mushy in your other pics together." Another girl said.

Trent looked at Nicole and she answered it for him, "No." she said as she put on a fake smile. "Trent and I are not going out. We're just good friends."

"Nix, Trentos, we have to go! We've got a busy schedule ahead!" Jayden told them.

"Coming!" Nicole said then she turned back to their fans, "Gotta go now. See you around Collectors!"

"Oh wait! Nicole! Can I have at least one more photo with you and Trent?" The girl who asked before said. Nicole smile and nodded and posed herself together with Trent and the girl in front of the camera.

"Nix! Trentos!" William called out. After the shutter sound from the camera, they already waved to their fans and then joined William and the others.

"Darcy, what do we have for today?" Nicole asked their planner, Darcy.

"You guys have a singing rehearsal by 7.45 p.m. And then, filming for CollecTV. Then, live stream for your fans. You guys haven't done live stream for ages. And then that's it." Darcy said as she closed her little leather-bound notebook.

"Oh. Okay. Thanks Darcy." Nicole said. Darcy just smiled back.

"Nicole, why did you tell our fans that we're not going out?" Trent whispered to her.

"Trent, that's what I want to talk about with you." Nicole said and they both stopped walking, while the others walked ahead of them. "Trent, I don't think that this relationship's gonna work out due to the fact that I'm in love with someone else."

Trent looked at her in shock.

"Trent, I'm... I'm in love with Jayden." She said. "I still am."

"Then why did you go out with me when you didn't have any feelings for me?! Nicole, you made looked like a fool!"

"I'm sorry..."

"Sorry?! Sorry is all you can say after all of that?!"

"Trent, I tried to love you but it just didn't work out. I'm sorry."

Trent sighed deeply to hold his tears back, "I knew it." he said as he put on a weak smile. "I'm sure you'd be happy with Jayden."

"I'm really sorry Trent." Nicole said, as tears came out from her eyes.

"It's okay. As long as you're happy, I'm happy. Although, I have a request to ask from you."

"What is it?"

"Can I at least have a goodbye kiss?"

Nicole smiled and giggled through her tears and nodded. She put on her arms around his neck and tiptoed and then Trent bent down a little bit and then leaned in and kissed her passionately but still, Nicole didn't feel any sparks from their kiss.

They broke apart with each other and followed the others who were now boarding in their private service car.

Nicole sat next in the middle of Jayden and Trent. Julian, Zach and William were all at the back, acting like foolish kids.

Halfway through the trip, Nicole fell asleep and because of that, her head fell onto Jayden's right shoulder. He looked at her then at Trent, alarmed. Trent just smiled then looked away. A few seconds later he felt his phone vibrate. He read it and it was a message from Trent.

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