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"Nicole..." Jacob said weakly with a smile on his face, his skeletal body lying on the hospital bed. Nicole just stared at him hard.

"Take a seat." He said as he pointed to her the empty chair by his bed. She sat down and looked at him in the eye. "Ah... I see. You've brought some of your friends. Aren't they the guys from a famous band that you're on?"

"Look, I'm not here to have an afternoon tea and chat with you." Nicole said. "I'm here to see how you're suffering." Then she smiled evilly at him as she crossed her arms. "You know what? You deserve to die alone." she added.

"Nicole!" Trent said.

"You stay out of this Trent!" She replied to him. Then she turned her attention back to her father. "You deserve to die alone. In fact, that's not enough pay back for you to make up for your own mistakes."

"Nicole, I know that you're angry at me..." Jacob said but she cut him off.

"Yeah you might know that I'm angry at you but you'll never know how much hatred I have for you in my heart!" Then she burst into tears.

"Nicole... I'M SORRY."

"Are you? Are you really sorry for what you did to us?!" Then she walked off and Jayden and Trent followed her.

"Whoa whoa! Why are you following her?" Jayden asked Trent.

"Are you nuts?! She's not okay! I need to make sure she's okay and besides, I'm her boyfriend!" Trent said.

"Yeah but she doesn't want you to be in this." He said. Trent got pissed, "Why do you want to be a part of her life so badly?! You're not even her boyfriend at all!"

"I might not be her boyfriend but she trusts me rather than you and I bet that she LOVES me rather than you." Jayden said while smirking. And in an instant, Trent punched him across his cheek but good thing that the other guys saw them and ran towards them.

"Stop! Trent! Jayden! Both of you!" Zach said as tore them apart from each other. He held Trent's arms while Julian held Jayden's.

"You know that that's not true! Nicole loves me!" Trent shouted.

"Oh yeah? And then why is that she's not telling you all of her problems?!" Jayden said with a mocking expression on his face. "Face it mate! She doesn't really love you! SHE NEVER LOVED YOU!"

"Faggot!" He shouted as he pushed Zach out of the way and pounced onto Jayden and punched him on the face.

"Trent!!!" Julian, Zach, and William said as they tried to pull him away from Jayden. "She loves me!" He grumbled as he continued to punch him.


"Nicole?" Christina said as she approached her by the lounge room and sat beside her. "Nicole, I know that you're angry at your dad but I think it's time for you to forgive him."

"Mom, I only forgive people who are worth of my forgiveness and unfortunately he's not one of them." Nicole said.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the homewrecker and her offspring." Elizabeth, Jacob's legal wife said as she walked elegantly towards them with her daughter Nikki by her side. She was wearing expensive and "kind-of" revealing clothes and accessories and she was carrying a purse that's as elegant as her. Christina's sweet and kind expression changed into bitter and an unkind one.

"What do you want? I gave Jacob back to you ages ago. What do you still want from me? From us?!" She said.

"I want both of you to be gone from our lives forever." She replied. "You know, both of you shouldn't be here."

"It's Jacob's wish to see us."

"Really? Wow. That's a shallow reason."

Then Nicole let out a desperate laugh, "At least it's not as shallow as your cleavage." she said and both her and Christina laughed. Elizabeth's smirk turned into a bitter frown as she tried to slap her but Christina prevented her by holding her wrist tight, "Don't you ever dare to hurt my daughter." She hissed. "Lay a finger on her and you're dead." Then she pushed her that she fell backwards onto the floor.

"Let's go back to the other guys." Nicole said and they walked away from them. When they went back to where she had lost the guys, both of them were surprised to see Jayden and Trent fighting, physically hurting each other.

"Trent! Jayden! Stop!!!" Nicole said as she tried to pull them apart and they did. "Jayden, are you okay?" She asked him and he nodded as he wiped the blood out of his mouth while gasping for breath. Then she turned to Trent with pure hatred in her blue eyes, "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR FUCKIN' PROBLEM?! ARE YOU INSANE?! YOU COULD'VE KILLED A MEMBER OF OUR BAND WHO IS NOW LIKE A BROTHER TO YOU!" she said.

"Tell me the truth Nicole, DO YOU REALLY LOVE ME? DID YOU EVER HAVE ANY FEELINGS FOR ME IN THE FIRST PLACE?" And obviously, Nicole was taken aback by his question. She didn't know what to answer.

"Now what?! ANSWER ME NICOLE!!!"

"NO! NO TRENT! Is that what you want to hear?! NO TRENT! I DIDN'T LOVE YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE!"

Trent stood there frozen, not knowing how to react. Jayden just smirked at him as he wiped the blood off his mouth.

"Trent... I... I'm sorry I didn't mean..." She said when she had realized that what she said was wrong. He just shook his head and walked away.

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