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Jayden woke up on a Sunday morning only to find the girl of his dreams by his side, sleeping peacefully with their baby in her womb. He kissed her cheek and got off of the bed and went downstairs to cook their breakfast. He smiled to himself as he thought back of what he and Nicole went through years ago and with those memories, it just prove that they are really meant for each other. He looked at his wedding ring and his smile just grew wider.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang and he went to the door. As soon as he opened it, he saw his band mates and they all gave him a bear hug.

"JAYDEN!!!" They all cheered.

"So how's the life of a newly-wed and soon-to-be a father?" Trent asked as they all came into their house.

"Good. Exciting." Jayden replied. "Oh, by the way, I cooked breakfast. Are you guys hungry?"

"Starving." William said as he made his way to the dinning table and got a piece of sausage from the platter and shove it into his mouth.

"C'mon Will! You're always starving." Trent said as he rolled his eyes.

"What can I say? I've got a healthy body." William shot back as he patted his abdominals.

"By the way, where's Nicole?" Julian asked.

"She's still asleep." Jayden answered when suddenly, Nicole's high-pitched scream was heard from upstairs.

"JAAAAAAAAAAAYYYDEEEEEEN!!!!" Nicole screamed and the boys immediately ran upstairs to check on her.

"What is it Nicole?" Jayden asked.

"The baby... The baby's coming!" Nicole said while holding onto her big belly.

They all rushed her to the hospital and when Nicole was put into labour and Jayden couldn't do anything but to wait nervously outside of the emergency room. After an hour, they were told that they can already see Nicole in her room.

They went into her room and there she was, sitting up on the bed, with their baby boy in her arms. He went to both of them and kissed her on her forehead.

"Look at him..." Nicole said softly. "Isn't he just as handsome as you?" Then they both giggled. "Yeah." Jayden said as he got the baby from her and carried their son in his arms. "Hey there baby... I'm your dad. And this girl right here is your mom. We promise to give you anything that you need in life and we're gonna take care of you and protect you with all our might because we love you."

Then he looked at Nicole thoughtfully and she smiled back. "Thank you." He said. "Thank you for giving me the best gift that I could ever have in my life." Then he kissed her passionately.

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