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~One beautiful morning...~

~With the boys....~

All the guys: *snoring loudly*

~Alarm clock rings loudly~

Nikolai: *throws empty vodka bottle at it* Five more minutes!

Tank: *groans* What day is it?

Richtofen: *looks at calendar* *widens eyes* Mein gott! *jumps out of bed*

Marlton: What is it? *looks up from his pillow, sleepily*

Richtofen: It's me und Micayla's wedding today!

The boys: 0.0.....*jumps out of their beds immediately*

Tank: Oh God! *grabs tuxedo* Operation: Let's not die for being late today!

~Getting ready montage~

Richtofen: Nein! Vhere are mein pants!? *runs around the room*

Tank: *shields eyes* Richtofen really?! Spongebob boxers?!

Richtofen: *blushes* Vhat? I love zhe sponge!:)

Nero: *face palms* Oh God.

Nikolai: *sips vodka* Richtofen! You're pants are here. *holds pants*

Richtofen: Vunderbar! Danke, Nikolai. *puts on pants*

~Meanwhile with the girls~

Misty: Micayla! We have to get you ready!

Micayla: *still in bed* Just a few more minutes....

Jessica: *gasps* Do you want your man waiting for you at the altar?

Micayla: O-O!!! No!

Me: Then hurry and get up!:p

~After getting ready in our bridesmaid dresses and getting Micayla ready in her wedding~

Me: *puts veil on Micayla's head*

Misty: *cover mouth* Awwwwwwwww...she looks so beautiful.:')

Jessica: *fans herself* Rikki is really in for a treat;)

Micayla: *blushes*

Me: :) Absolutely stunning! Now, Let's go!

Me, Misty, and Jessica: *help Micayla into the limo*

Nero: You girls ready?

Jessica: Step on it, Nero!

~A while later....~

~At the altar of an outside wedding~

~White roses on both sides of the aisle, sunset in the horizon, and the sky a beautiful orange/pink color~

Richtofen: *looks at the crowd* Vell, looks like our followers are here, as vell.

~In the crowd~





@TheNamesBlurryFace (Richtofen's son)




@-TheDarkDragon- and Sila:)

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