Dare 11

178 5 27

Me: This....will be interesting. *smiles evily* Pweebles dares everyone to go on a date.

Everyone: What?........

Sal: *jumps out a window*

Note: We jump out of windows...so many times! 0.0...so, we built bouncy-like cushions, surrounding the entire building, to break our fall. ;)

Sal: *lands on cushion* Whee!

Me: *rolls eyes* Come on y'all. Okay, how about the people who don't have dates, simply go on a speed date.

Sal: *from below* LET'S DO IT THEN!

Our couples who are going out

Tank and female Gamer
Richtofen and Micayla
Evil Richtofen and Gabby
Evil Clone Richtofen and Savvy
Nikolai and Amy
Takeo and Speedy

Me: Yeah....Speedy has a crush on Takeo!:3

Takeo: *blushes lightly*

Tank: *snickers* Tak's blushin'!

Everyone: *laughing*

Takeo: -_-..........

Other couples

Albert and me :)
Billy and Kalli
Finn and Angela
Marlton and Misty
Floyd and Jessica

Me: So....the single birds. *looks at Sal, Stu, Russman, Jack, and Nero* Y'all are going speed dating!

The Single Birds: -_-

Me: So.....*jumps into Albert's arms* me and the couples are going to have the best dates...ever! Bye!

The couples: *leave*

~With the single birds~

Nero: *with his blind date* *in his mind* This...is....torture.

Sal: *in his mind, while his blind date is talking* Uhhhhhhh...

Stu: *in his mind, while his blind date is eating* This woman...is an alien! Or a zombie. She's too quiet.

Russman: *in his mind* Explosives!

Jack: *talking to his blind date* Yeah, I'm a cop.

Jack's blind date: For which city?

Jack: Morg City.

Jack's blind date: Ah, I'm guessing your from that video game? That map, Shadows of Evil?

Jack: Yeah, I am.

Jack's blind date: Well...*blushes* you're much more handsome in real life.

~timer beeps~

Jack's blind date: Ah, time's up. *sad*

Jack: *smirks and adds more time* No, we still have a while. *chuckles*

~With me and the other couples~


Me: I'm in the lead! Woo!

Richtofen: Not for long!

Micayla: *cuts in front of us* Surprise!

Me and Richtofen: -_-....

Albert: *neck and neck with Micayla*

Speedy and Takeo: Bye!!! *cuts in the front*

Evil Richtofen and Gabby: *drop banana peels on the ground*

Everyone: AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! *crash into each other*

Evil Richtofen and Gabby: *cross the finish line*

Gabby: WE WON!!!

Evil Richtofen: VUNDERBAR!

Me: Ow! -_- Well, hope y'all enjoyed!

Tank: Be sure to vote, comment, and follow Lindsay!

Me and Richtofen: ♡Bye♡

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