Happy Birthday to....

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Me: *squeals* It's Gamer's birthday!:3

Everyone: WOOOOO!!!!

Me: Happy Birthday Gamer!! *throws confetti in the air*

Everyone: YEAH!

Sal: Happy Birthday, Gamer. Tell Quincy that I'm honored btw.

Me: Oh yeah! 'Deluca of the Philippines'.

Sal: Hell yeah. ;)


Misty: We need funny stuff to laugh about!

Richtofen: No. *look at picture above*

Me: XD. I love that cat:3

~Cake appears out of nowhere~

Me: ALRIGHT! Y'all ready to sing?

Everyone: Yes..:3


Everyone including me: Happy Birthday to you!

Richtofen: Vunderbar!

Everyone: *annoyed* Happy Birthday to you!

Nikolai: DA! *sips vodka*

Everyone: *more annoyed* Happy Birthday to Gamer!

Tank: Oh-Rah!

Everyone: *turn into the grumpy cats* Happy Birthday to you!

Takeo: Honor!

Jessica: *throws Misty's Foxy plushie at Takeo's face hard* SHUT UP! You're ruining the moment! -_-

Me: 0.0....Okay...so....Happy BIRTHDAY to Gamer from SpeedandGamertool!

Albert: *coughs* Gamer-

Finn: *coughs* has-

Billy: *coughs* a crush-

Sal: *coughs* on Lindsay!

Me: -_-........*shows off ring* I'm taken:p XD

Albert: *nods, glaring at Gamer, who's going to read this*

Me: Anyway......from me and the COD Zombie Crews....

Me and everyone else: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Jessica and Misty: *launch confetti launchers*

Me: Hope y'all enjoyed!

Tank: Be sure to vote, comment, and follow Lindsay and SpeedandGamertool!

Me and Richtofen: ♡Bye♡

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