That Update

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Me: Hello, you guys! Well...*awkwardly stands* It's been a long time, hasn't it? So many asks that need to be answered, writing prompts that need to be started, other stuff as well...So what's my excuse this time?

Well...a lot actually. As many of you may not know, I'm graduating soon. I technically graduated this Thursday, but the biggest graduation ceremony in my town will be this Friday. So, this girl has finally completed her primary education and is now looking forward to heading off to college. While I was excited to be accepted into my dream college, I wasn't able to go sadly due to financial reasons as this is a private college and known as one of the best colleges that deal with art. (Advice: Don't ever consider taking out a loan and head for a public college. Make sure it's in-state as well.) But I will hopefully go to my local college to major in art and I'm looking forward to it all as a college student. Family reasons also play a major part in my absence here, but I won't be going into too much detail on that.

Remember when I said I was gonna write in the summer of 2017? Yeah well, our internet was cut off that whole summer and I wasn't able to bounce back, especially when I joined Tumblr full-time when the internet did come back. This was also the time when Overwatch became the fandom that I got into head first.

While Overwatch isn't really my cup of tea anymore, I got into zombies full-time again when BO4 came out and...okay, we need to discuss the elephant in the room: Richtofen's death in Blood of the Dead and the mini crossover of three zombie crews (Victis, Mobsters, and Primis)

I'm so going to do a review of it whether it would be relevant or not because I'm not lying when I say I didn't cry in Infinity War, Endgame, or even at Adventures Time's ending. Oh no, dear readers, I was in full tears when I saw the ending and I have yet to acknowledge its existence in a positive manner. *cries*

Anyway, I can't guarantee a regular update weekly because for the month of June, I'll be in a training program and I have to get ready for my classes for college but depending on the schedules, I should have at least some time to write. Which I must ask a huge favor for any of my avid readers out there!

There are asks within this book that have yet to be answered and it would really help if you guys could post those asks in this chapter so I can answer them quicker. They should be in the middle chapters of this book, if that somewhat helps. I'll be searching as well so I'll try to make the search less work and easier. I was going to post a chapter I've been working on today, but I'm actually writing this post while I'm at a wedding reception and it's almost late. But expect that chapter to come out at least tomorrow or Monday because I've been having fun with it.

So to my readers still out there, thank you. I'll do my best with updates. See ya soon ^-^

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