Question 8

85 3 14

Me: Alright, ladies and gentlemen...let's actually start this thing! *heads on over to the Letter Room*

Marlton: *drawing structural layouts on a clipboard as he walks with me* I'll have to thank Ms. Vaswani --*whispers to the audience* If we ever see her and her lackeys ever again -- *resumes speaking normally to me* for the update in our household. With new rooms for the new members to live in permanently, a far better system of plumbing, lighting, and internet connection, upgraded appliances inside and outside the building, and a single place to receive and send asks and dares in a sufficient, orderly manner, I'm now aware why they enjoyed our home!

Me: *opens the door to the Letter Room, which is quite chaotic thanks to it being the work area of Diego Necalli, Samuel J. Stuhlinger, Billy Handsome, Ultimis Dempsey, Jim Decker, Poindexter Zittermann, and Ultimis Nikolai*

Marlton: *shakes his head and raises his voice so he can be heard* It's a shame though that you placed the rambunctious ones to be in charge of one of the new rooms, an important one nonetheless!

Decker: Aye! *points an accusing finger at Marlton* Least we get shit done! Am I right, folks? *looks around the Letter Room*

Ultimis Nikolai: *passed out, murmuring about a wife and vodka*

Ultimis Dempsey and Diego: *in the middle of setting up a card pyramid (Using letters containing asks and dares instead of actual cards) on Ultimis Nikolai's back*

Stuhlinger: *shredding letters in the shredder, believing the asks and dares are from the government*

 Billy: *throwing spitballs at Poindexter, snickering each time Poindexter shoots a bird at him*

Decker: *turns back to me and Marlton with a strained smile* They're a work in progress...

Marlton: *nods, unconvinced and unimpressed, at Decker* *turns to me* I should have been in charge at least, Lindsay. 

Me: Hey...*shrugs* Least it looks fun! Now...*rubs hands together* Decker, any requests that aren't being abused by anyone?

Decker: *snaps his fingers before heading off to fetch something behind his  desk* Lucky for you folks, I'm taking this seriously. *pulls out a dusty box, which Decker blows the dust off the top before opening* Found these old letters from 2016 that still need to be done. *gives me a knowing look* Get to them, girl.

Me: *looks away guilty* Will do, officer! *pushes the box closer to Decker* Why not do the honors? You are one of the new members of the Q & A crew so you have to at least read an ask or dare out loud at least once.

Decker: *rolls his eyes* Fine. *reaches down and grabs a letter, opening it quickly* *looks to me with a smirk* This ought to be interesting...

Me: Huh? *curious*

Decker: *clears throat* KittyCat2876 asks, 'If you could choose ONE person in CoD to be real other than Al Arlington or Richtofen, who would it be and why? 

Billy: *gets a spitball lodged in his throat, choking violently*

Poindexter: *smirking before turning around in his seat to listen to my response*

Ultimis Nikolai: *wakes up immediately, making the giant card pyramid fall* *glares at Diego and Ultimis Dempsey*

Diego: *looks away, pretending not to see him* *He is however looking in my direction*

Ultimis Dempsey: What's your answer, Lindsay? *looks in my direction, clearly waiting*

Stuhlinger: Obviously it's gonna be a man, ain't that right, Linds? *laughs*

Me: *crosses my arms, smirking* Mad that I'm not gonna say your name because you're just a man-child?

Stuhlinger: *pouts* 

Me: *thinks* 

Everyone in the Letter Room: *clearly waiting*

~Jessica Rose, Albert Arlington, and Nero Blackstone are clearly eavesdropping from the door~

Me: *shrugs* I'm gonna have to say Diego Necalli.

Diego: *jumps up* Ha! *jumps on his desk, celebrating* I'm new to the story but I'm already her favorite!

Me: *rolls my eyes* I gotta say Diego because while there are people who don't enjoy the Chaos story and the crew, Diego ended up being my favorite. I honestly thought Scarlett would be my favorite when I saw her, but to be honest, I get more excited when I jump into Voyage of Despair and IX as Diego than as Scarlett, Shaw, or Bruno. It's not to say the other three are terrible, in fact they have more backstory on their lives than Victis did the first time we saw them, but Diego to me is the comic relief. While everyone's clearly dealing with their inner demons, Diego's over here breaking into genuine laughter, making a few jokes about himself being a 'beefcake' and protecting his 'fine rear', questioning what everyone knows, and is genuinely someone I would actually hang out.

Me: *whispering to the audience* Not to mention he's our first original Latino in the story that we actually get to play. *whispers lower* Sorry Danny Trejo, Fidel Castro, and Pablo Marinus.

Diego: Not to mention I'm slowly getting Ms. Rhodes to swoon for me.

Scarlett: *passes by the room* In your dreams, Diego.

Diego: You're in my dreams...*calls out loud enough for her to hear* But I wouldn't mind visiting yours.

Jessica: *rolls her eyes* 

Me: Also, Diego might be an important character because spoiler alert...everyone's out!

Nero: Should've learned our mistake, Diego! If someone asks for help, it's best not to help them.

Jessica: Otherwise you'll be tricked into letting giant squids into your world to eat life itself.

Jack: *passes by the room* And be screwed over by a weird German...

Primis Richtofen: *passes by the room in the opposite direction* *in a sing-song tone* For a better tomorrow~~

Billy: Anyone else that passes by, I'm aiming a spitball at them!

Sal: *passes by room*

Billy: *Doesn't realize it's Sal when he fires the spitball until it's too late* *widens his eyes* Sal...

Sal: *glares at him before walking away* *calls out loud enough to be heard from down the hall* I'm taking one grand out your cut Billy and givin' it to Weasel!

Billy: *stunned* *falls out his chair dramatically* 

Poindexter: *looks down at him before looking back to his work* He's all yours, Samuel.

Stuhlinger: *takes out a knife and fork* Always wondered how Billy tastes...

Billy: *gets up immediately* *He has a gun raised at Stu* Keep wonderin', prick!

Marlton: *looks back at me* See?!

Me: *groans before looking to Decker* Make sure no one doesn't have any weapons the next time they walk in here.

Decker: Won't promise that. *dragging Stu back to his desk*

Me: *turns back to the audience* Hope y'all enjoyed!

Ultimis Dempsey: *parkours over Diego, Poindexter, and Billy's desks before landing beside me* Be sure to vote, comment, leave asks and dares-- *gets cut in by Decker saying that I need to finish up old asks and dares first* *Dempsey completely ignores him* --and follow Lindsay!

Primis Richtofen: *runs in with an angry Jack Vincent trailing behind him* Hurry, Lindsay!

Me and Primis Richtofen: <3Bye<3

Q & A with Me and The COD Zombie Crews 2.0Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora