Richtofen forgot... (Micayla's Birthday)

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Dedicated to Mactofen1918


Tank: Oohrah! Nothin' like celebrating a birthday.

Nikolai: *sips vodka* Da! In Russia, we give birthday girl a boy.

Takeo: *shakes his head* Aye...*lifts up his head* In Japan, we throw a celebration for the girl.

Me: 0.0...Okay Nikolai. *puts up some streamers all over the walls* And that is what we will do, Takeo.

Tank: *puts a birthday hat on his head* Y'all gonna wear one? *passes out hats to everyone*

Jessica: *puts the final touches on the birthday cake* Oh, Micayla will love this!

Misty: She better! We spent nine hours making it perfect. *puts the rest of the frosting on the cake*

Me: Come on, Misty! Don't be sour today.

Nero: *uses his wand to finish wrapping up his present* Everyone have gifts for the birthday girl?

Everyone: *holds up their gifts*

Marlton: Wait a minute, where's Dr. Richtofen?

Richtofen: *walks in* Guten Morgen, everyone. *yawns*

Misty: you know what today is?

Richtofen: June 16...

Jessica: Richtofen...think harder...

Richtofen: *shrugs*

Everly: *crawls to his legs* IT'S MOMMY'S BIRTHDAY!

Richtofen: *widens his eyes* Vhat!?

Me: Did you not know that!?

Richtofen: Nein! *panics* Vhat am I going to do!?

Misty: *tackles him*

Everyone: 0.0....*watches*

Misty: *on top of him, holding his arms down* Listen, Doc. You didn't bust your back on a nine-hour cake, just for the husband to forget his own wife's birthday! Now here's what you're gonna do!

Richtofen: *nods* 0.0

Misty: You're gonna get Micayla a gift, and I will drive you to the mall to get it. And, we are gonna have this awesome birthday party! You know why? Channing Tatum is coming!

Jessica: What!? 0.0

Misty: Yeah...*gets up and pulls Richtofen off the floor* And I gotta look good for that god-like man.

Marlton and Floyd: *roll their eyes*

Misty: Okay, everyone! Distract Micayla! Richtofen, come with me. *drags Richtofen to her car*

~Car ride with Richtofen and Misty~

Misty: *turns up the volume on the radio* *sings* I won't give up!  I won't give in, til' I reach the end!

Richtofen: *bangs his head on the dashboard* Stop singing, Misty.

Misty: What? *pretends to not listen* *continues to sing*

Richtofen: *groans, as he continues to bang his head on the dashboard*

~At the mall~

Misty: *looks everywhere* Okay, first...Victoria's Secret! *drags Richtofen by his arm* Come on!

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