You're Invited

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Hello, my zombie slayers! It's me, Dressiestsphinx or Lindsay :p

I have some news to share!

Tomorrow is my birthday *blushes and chuckles* I'm turning 16 tomorrow and I was hoping if you guys are available tonight.

For what?, you may ask. Well, I must persuade my sister to go to Wal-Mart so that I can buy an Xbox Gold card to renew my account, so....we can play zombies?

So I, Dressiestsphinx or Lindsay, would like to personally invite you to my Xbox Birthday Party! *confetti erupts behind me*

If you want to join (if it is possible for me), you must have an Xbox One and a mic. That way I can communicate with my fellow writers and close friends. :)

If you can't join, I understand as this was last minute, so you may wish me a Happy birthday in the comments section below :)

What time? Well, I'm getting ready to attend my town's Christmas Parade, which ends at around 6, so perhaps around 7 or 7:30? Maybe 8?

If I can't be able to do this or it can happen, I will inform you all on my message board around the time I listed, so keep a look out for that.

Anyway, that's it for now, my zombie slayers. Merry early Christmas and a Happy New Year! :)

Now, I know there may be a lot of you with the console and only four people can be in a game, but luckily the Xbox Party is unlimited...I think xD

So, my gamertag is NeighborRain89 for my fellow Xbox One users to join. I do have an Xbox 360, but my account hasn't been renewed and the console is disconnected, my apologies :'(


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